Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Welcome to the Million Dollar Business Brainstorm!
You should already have gained access to the video portion of this course. As you work your way through the video, be sure to keep this manual at your fingertips. It includes checklists and worksheets that you can use to help you brainstorm, research and develop your million dollar business idea!
What we suggest you do next is print this manual out. You’ll want to have hard copies of the checklists and other tools so that you complete them as you move through the course. These tools will be invaluable as you brainstorm and develop your million-dollar idea! Now you didn’t take this course merely out of curiosity, right? You’re taking it because you really do want to develop a seven-figure business idea. And that’s why I suggest you start getting into the right mindset. Simply put, if you don’t believe that you can make seven figures… you won’t.
Back in 1997, actor Jim Carrey told Oprah that there was a time when he was dirt poor. He didn’t have acting jobs. He didn’t have his foot in the door. So every night he’d visualize people he admired complimenting him on his acting work. And then he wrote himself a check for $10 million, which he post-dated to three years later.
Of course Carrey didn’t just stick with visualizing. He also worked hard. He knocked on doors, he hustled acting jobs, and honed his craft. Then one day he landed the lead in “Dumb and Dumber” – and about a month before his post-dated check would expire, Carrey received a real $10 million check.
Amazing, right? It happened because Carrey believed he could do it… and he took all the action necessary to make it happen.
That’s what we want you to do right now. Write yourself a post-dated check for $1 million or any other amount you’d like. And then do everything in your power to make it happen.
So here we go…
One solid idea. One intense weekend. One million dollars!
Let’s get started…
Module 1:
Overview of the 48 Hour Million Dollar Brainstorm
Since Module 1 is the introduction to the course, you’re off the hook – there’s nothing for you to work on in this module.
However, your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to get ready to complete the rest of the workbook. So go grab yourself a coffee, walk the dog, kiss the family goodbye for a few hours, and block out any distractions. That’s because you’re going to want to give this workbook your full and focused attention beginning in the next module.
You see, the upcoming checklists and planning sheets aren’t just “busy work.” These are the exact tools that countless other entrepreneurs have used to hatch their big ideas. Don’t be fooled by their simplicity. These tools have the capacity to unlock your genius. So use them – I think you’ll be surprised by the results!
Module 2: Accelerated Brainstorming and Research
Worksheet 1: Brainstorming Potential Markets
If you don’t yet have an idea for a potential business, then you need to take a few minutes to do some brainstorming.
Answer the following questions to help you complete this brainstorming. Write down as many answers as possible for each question…
What are your interests?
What are your hobbies?
What are your problems?
What types of things do you like to buy when you have extra money?
What topics could you talk about for hours?
What types of sites have you bookmarked in your web browser?
What types of topics do you often search for in the search engines?
Where do you like to go on vacation?
How do you like to spend your free time?
What activities make you happy every time you do them?
What have you always wanted to do?
What classes did you enjoy in college (or what classes would you like to take now)?
What types of products do you wish you could have?
What are your friends and family interested in?
What problems do your friends and family have?
What topics do your friends and family often talk about?
Watch or read the news on a site like the BBC or CNN. What prospective niches
do you see?
Go to a site like LiveScience and read the top stories – what prospective markets catch your eye?
List at least 10-20 other markets that you haven’t mentioned anywhere else:
Worksheet 2:
Refining Your Idea
Print this page off and write down your findings as you work your way through the “research” portion of this process…
List the top five Amazon bestsellers in your market (this includes physical products, books and digital products – everything):