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Monitoring your ads is important. The more products you have listed for sale, and the more places you have ads listed, the more difficult it is going to be to keep track of it all.
Classified ads on Craigslist for the cities of Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, Seattle, SF Bay Area, and Wash, DC expire after seven days. Classified ads on Craigslist for all other cities expire after 45 days.
Because ads are listed chronologically with the newest appearing first, it makes sense to delete your older ads and place new ones in the same city and category. (remember that the Craigslist terms prohibit you from placing multiple ads for the same item) The newest ads are much more likely to be seen by casual category browsers.
US Free Ads also prohibits posting multiple ads for the same product. A free account limits you to two ads running at the same time. A gold account limits you to 25 ads running at the same time. There is no limit to the number of ads on a premium account. Ads on US Free Ads run for 40 days.
Again, the longer your ad has been running, the further down in the listings it will appear to category browsers. Something else worth mentioning is that premium ads appear before gold ads, and gold ads before free ads.
There are only 14 ads in the bowling category at US Free Ads, and they all appear on one page, so it is likely a category browser would see even an older free ad. Of the 14 ads, one paid extra to be a featured ad. That ad appears as the first listing. All of the other 13 ads are premium. So a gold member placing an ad in the bowling category at this time would be at the very bottom of the pile.
Because of the prohibition against placing duplicate ads, it may also be wise to cancel aging ads and place new ones at US Free Ads. Browsing categories where you have ads posted once or twice a week to see where yours stand would be a wise practice.
One way to keep track of your ads is with a simple spreadsheet. Note what you’re advertising, where the ad is posted, the date you posted it, what city and category it appears in, and when the ad will expire. It might make sense to maintain separate lists for Craigslist and US Free Ads, since the categories are different, and one uses cities where the other doesn’t.