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If you are reading this, you have a website or would like to have one. You may be an Internet marketer or you may be someone that is just getting his/her offline business online. Your goal is to get customers.
To get customers, or visitors, to your website (which is called traffic), you need to let the world know that your website is there and that anyone can stop by and see what you have to offer. The problem is, the World Wide Web is huge, and in fact, there are millions of websites up. How will people find you?
Search engines are not something that you should be afraid of. In fact, they are one of the best tools that you have available to you online. Search engines that are most readily known include Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. AOL is another large one, but it is powered by Google. Another popular choice moving up in the ranks is Ask.com (former AskJeeves) In any of these options, one thing is common.
Search engines hold the power of your website's success in their hands. Without them, your website will struggle simply because people will not know it is there. The good news is that you can alert the search engine spiders (as they are often called) that you are there and that you want their attention. In fact, more website owners than ever are taking search engine ranking in their own hands.
So, what is search engine ranking? That is the answer to the initial question about why page rank matters. Let's explain. Search engines have to determine which websites are important. To do this, they have to browse through the millions of other websites and organize them. They do this in a process we will cover in just a minute.
What is important to know is that after organizing these websites, the search engines can then respond to the requests submitted by their users. You have used them in the past, most likely, so you fully understand the importance of giving the user the most accurate results possible. If you want a stove, you want a stove, not a lawnmower, for example.
To do this, search engines use the words that people type into search engines to help them. If you were looking for a stove, “stove” is the word you would type into the search engine. Search engines call these search terms “keywords.” Keywords are their method for ranking websites too.
When a person types one of these keywords into the search box, the search engines go into action to find websites that are relevant to the user, based on these terms. What you end up getting after that is called a search engine ranking page, or an organized list of links pointing to various websites. Your location on these pages matters.
So, why does all of this really matter to you, the simple website owner who just wants people to find you online? In short, the answer is that if you cannot place well in these pages, people cannot find you online.
Did you know that these search engine pages have both paid for and natural (or sometimes called organic) search results? At the top of this page, you will notice a number of companies, sometimes listed in a box or a colored section. The links at the top are paid for by companies who want to be positioned at the top of the results page.
See, these companies know that being on that first page is quite important. If you are not there, chances are good that people will not find you since most people only view the initial page, rather than moving on to others. Being at the top is critical, so they often pay a premium price to have their ads listed there.
But, the key that you should know is that 70 percent of website users who search for something will forgo these paid-for ads and click on those website links that are listed just below, in the naturally ranked pages. They are often a better choice and they are more specific. If your website is listed in this region, you are likely to get many more visitors to your website.
Therefore, if you want to get as many visitors as possible to your website, you need to work to have your website listed in the first positions that are naturally in the search engine results page. Anything else may not give you the location and the traffic you could potentially get.
The question has changed now. Now that you know the importance of being positioned at this point, it is critical to know how to get there. The good news is that there are a number of ways that you can successfully pull this off. In fact, you should have a plan that includes a number of methods.
Before getting into that, let's explain a bit more about how search engines work so you can tailor your methods appropriately.