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Terry: When you first started the site did you contact FK technologies first and describe what you wanted?
Darryl: Actually I didn’t start through FK I found FK through some affiliates of mine. I started with two friends that I was working with and they created the initial site. However they were part of the corporate downsizing so they had to move across country and we kind of lost touch, but they initially created the site based on what I wanted. I laid everything out for them and they made it happen. The same thing for FK. The amazing thing with FK is I sent them what I called my butchered layout. I will make something up in word for a part of the site where we want to make it happen, and they take that and turn it into a beautiful work of art. I think that is very important for people who want to create a website. You have to have a good relationship with your programmers and build the trust so they can almost anticipate what you’re thinking and what you are trying to say when you’re telling them.
Terry: Great. As far as doing a layout, when you first started with ISO you put it on paper and then went to programming guys, they put it together, it went back to you and you uploaded it on line?
Daryl: No, they do all that stuff.
Terry: They do that as well, okay. So you have your finger on the button and the overview of everything?
Darryl: True. I know what I want and I know that with the internet there has not been one thing that I wanted to do that my guys have not been able to figure out how to do it. To give you an example the auto responder was a big undertaking. We launched the auto responder in May of 2004. We went to our current members and told them we were going to include an auto responder in the system because it’s something they were saying they wanted. We asked the members what they wanted an auto responder to do and we had about twenty five pages of requests from our members. Jeremy and I went through these things and created a customized outline, took it to FK, and then they built the auto responder based on what our members wanted. That’s how the entire ISO system works. It’s not just us now creating websites; we get input from our members and put something together to get a functional product. Then FK creates the backend of the site so everything works together.
Terry: It sounds like it runs really smooth now, but did you hit any stumbling blocks as you were going along?