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People have done that. If you have a really good pre-launch, you can basically just put up an order button and people will buy it. But, you do need good sales copy too. So, during the planning stages, plan how you can somehow provide value to everybody out there in your target market: some kind of value or content to get attention basically. You can give it away free reports, free books, movies, audios, and all kind of stuff. But it has to be good stuff. You can't just give away a free report that's five pages long that's basically a sales page for your product; that's no good. You have to give actual, solid content. That was one thing we did during the planning... we thought of how we could give away free content. So, we also made a free report that we released, as well as preview movies.
Simon was on Camtasia and we were thinking what else we could give away. So, we said, "What about show people what our software can do?" So, Simon hopped on Camtasia and made some really cool videos about what can it do. I think that was a big factor in a lot of people's decisions because they saw these videos and they're like, "Wow, look. It can do this and this and this. I want to buy it." And the goal of that was to show people what it could do. The goal of the Mastermind Series audios releasing in a little tips was not so much to get them interested in buying the audio series, but more the mindset. We wanted to show people the mindset and some helpful content for people.
We didn't want people who are not entrepreneurs to buy MME 3. We wanted serious people who were going to buy it and use it for their business. So, we wanted to help people with the mindset. All the customers got the entire series, and each audio interview was like anywhere from an hour the two hours long and there are ten of them in there. There's just solid content. there's no selling at all in those audios; it's just solid content for people to listen to. And on top of that we even had videos made to show people step by step how to resell those and everything else. We basically put together different parts of the package because you can get somebody the keys to the Ferrari, but if they don't have their license, they're going to crash it.
So, we gave people the software to build the business but we needed to give them the mindset and that was the goal of the mastermind series. And then we also give them some other products like JV Zone, Member-to-Member Offer Zone, and other things on top of that and just a big combination. Everything did have a purpose, maybe a lot of people didn't see it all come together like we did, but everything did actually have a purpose. So when your planning make sure everything has a purpose, make sure there's a reason why your doing this, make sure you understand your market and try to provide as much free content as you can during your pre-launch to get attention. Basically, make products that you can sell for ten dollars, 50 dollars, 100 dollars or more and give it away.
People are going to be thinking, "This is cool. This guy is giving me this for free? Wow. I can't wait to see what his offering for sale. This is so awesome, I can't wait to buy his product." So, I think that's real important. And also, when you're planning, you have to be in constant communication contact with people such as your affiliates and your JV partners. You could hire an affiliate manager, but when working with partners, one thing I don't like to do is hire somebody who's going to take care of all the partnership because I want to do that personally because it's the relationship. I will sit down and write personal e-mails and e-mail them to each person. I don't want to just have a mass responder and have my staff or somebody e-mail all the JV partners. I think it's kind of cold.
So, keep in warm contact with all your partners involved. I did that for several months during MME 3, so basically all of our top producers on the launch were people we have good working relationship with for a long time. We were in constant contact with them through Skype, MSN, and e-mail back and forth and things like that. So, it's really important to plan your launch strategy? Is it going to be just you or are you going to have partners help you launch it? If you have a list of a million people, then I guess just you could launch your product.