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Chapter 5 Lining up Everything
Always make sure that you have plenty of help lined up. Be sure that hosting and payment process are lined up and tested. They form the backbone of your actual product launch. You should make sure that you have all of this done in advance so that you have ample time to tweak something if you see that it needs it. All tests should be performed well in advance.
The importance of having your support desk in place at this point really cannot be underscored enough. There is really no realistic way that you can expect to handle all of the marketing as well as the support. You will only make yourself crazy if you attempt to do so. You need to make sure that you are free to get into contact with your affiliates and JV partners not have to be concerned with support problems that may pop up.
Developing Incentives
One of the more important things that you want to make sure happens when you actually go live with your launch is that people take action right away. The way to make sure of this is to build in some incentives and bonuses. One of the most traditional ways to do that is to say okay, the first ten people who respond will get this and the first fifty people who respond will get something else, etc, etc. This probably sounds like it might be a really good idea, but the problem that lies in this approach is that once all of the bonuses are gone, you are going to see your sales drop.
One thing that you can do is to put a time limit on every single thing that you do. For example, you might put ten days on one thing and seven days on something else. This allows people to know that they have a very specific amount of time in which to respond and then it's over and gone. That's it. The key to making this work is that you can't make any extensions because if you do then people will know that they really do not have to stick to that timeframe. Ultimately, you have to give customers a reason to buy your product right now not at some vague point in the future.
If you leave it open-ended that is exactly what is going to happen. Consider it for a moment. You very well might be able to make more money eventually if you leave it indefinitely open-ended, but do you really want to have to wait to have the money slowly trickling in? If you put a definite time frame on it you will have a much better chance of increasing the amount of money that flows in through your site during those first few crucial days. Bonuses are another excellent way to establish value and demonstrate to people that they must act right away.
Taking the time to make sure that you have everything lined up and planned well in advance of your launch is perhaps one of the most crucial things that you can do to assure the success of your website. In the end it really does not matter what kind of products you have to offer, if you do not heed the importance of this step. You could easily have very high quality products and you could have taken the time to build up interest in your products and it would all be nothing if you have not worked on being sure that everything is appropriately set up, tested and planned for.
Chapter 6 The Post Launch
Once you have the launch set and up, the next thing that you need to begin focusing on is what you do after the post-launch. There is a lot of planning that goes into the launch phase and it is somewhat natural to think that once you have that out of the way you can simply sit back, relax and take a deep breath, but the truth of the matter is that even after you have the launch taken care of, you still have some work left that you need to take care of.
You must continue to look forward and make sure you are poised to capitalize on the success you have achieved with your site. Ask yourself what is going to happen next. It can be awfully tempting to want to just move right on to the next project, but it can be helpful in many ways to take time to sit back and somewhat take stock of what has happened with this project and see where there may have possibly been problems so that you can work on correcting them to avoid those problems in the future.
Customer Service and Support
This is also the time when you need to make sure that you are continuing to focus on support issues. Remember that you are now dealing with your customers, not prospects. You must do all that you can to take care of them and do whatever you can to help them.
During about the first month after your launch you will need to focus on fixing any problems that may come up and answering any support questions. This is where having a support and tech team can really come in handy. Keep in mind that you should expect that you will most likely have some refunds that will come in. This can happen even on the higher end items. It is simply a part of common business practices. Every business has refunds, so you should expect your share.
Do not allow yourself to get down about refunds. You can easily make sure that you are prepared for this type of thing by figuring between 5% and 10% for a refund rate. If at all possible, try to have someone you can dedicate to simply handle any refund issues for you. There is no point in your having to waste any valuable time handling these issues when there are other people that you can delegate these tasks to so that your time is freed up for moving other things forward.