Ebook Sample Content Preview:
As we have already covered, one of the major challenges with membership sites is actually getting people to stay as members. The number one rule is always try to exceed the expectations of your members and provide value which is greater than the membership fee you are charging.
This means providing quality content each and every month. Give people a reason to stay a member!
As we have also previously mentioned, first impressions count – so make sure that at least the first months content is ready and waiting inside the members area for when the first members join your site.
If you can, also provide bonuses that people can download when they first sign up. You can also regularly provide your members with additional bonuses each month – something which always goes down well because you are providing greater value to your members than what you promised them in the first place.
Another great strategy is to tease people as to what is coming up the following month. Let’s say your membership site is a course, where members get a new lesson each week.
At the end of each lesson, you might want to include something along the lines of “Coming up next week…” and then include a brief description of the following weeks lesson.
Leave them with the feeling that they can’t possible unsubscribe and not see next weeks lesson!
You see this technique being used on TV all the time. At the end of the program, it’ll say ‘Next week…’ and then show a few clips from the following weeks episode. They often leave you on a cliffhanger too – so you MUST watch next week’s episode in order to find out what happens next.
Another way of increasing member retention is to regularly keep in contact with your members. Send them an email every time you add new content to the members area (if you don’t, people will forget about your site or not realize that you have even updated it).
The funny thing about this is that you will find a sudden jump in people unsubscribing when you do this (simply because if they were thinking of cancelling already, they may have forgotten and your email reminds them about your site), BUT over the long term it should increase member retention and make your site more profitable.