Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The nice thing about a fixed-term membership is that you can go live with it before you have all your content created. In fact, all you really need is the first module when you go live - as long as you get the next one queued up before the first member is scheduled to receive it, everything will be seamless to your members.
This is how you can have a site up and running in 48 hours - by creating the first lesson or two and starting to take on new members while you continue creating future content.
That's not to say you can start a membership without having your content mapped out, at least to some degree. If you launch something today with only a week or two of updates planned out, you could be in for a rough time if it turns out to be harder than you expect to continue creating content.
This is where creating an outline at the beginning will really help.
Ideally, you want to get 5 to 10 modules ready as quickly as possible, so you've got a bit of a buffer in case of anything unexpected. If you get sick for a few days or a sudden emergency comes up that takes all your time, you won't be under the gun to get the next content module written and queued up.
The most effective way to handle content creation is to do it in batches. Spend a week getting five modules created, for example. Queue them up and you can work on other things until it's time to create the next batch.
As long as you're always a step ahead of the earliest members, they won't know the difference.