Sample Content Preview
Step 1: A Recurring Income Membership Model
A recurring income membership model is appealing to many Internet marketers because you don’t have to create a new product from scratch every time you need to make some fast cash.
Membership sites only need to be built once, not every month or few months as new products need to be.
Once the membership site is built, you just need to maintain it and update it with quality, relevant information over time which is much simpler than creating a brand-new product from scratch.
To access the membership site and its content, customers need to pay a recurring monthly or annual fee.
If they choose to stop paying for access, they lose the valuable resources of that site, as they no longer have access to the site.
Step 2: Different Types of Products To Sell
There are many different types of products you can sell. Here are just a few:
You can sell a content-based membership site, which is a site that has content focused on a specific topic or industry.
You could have a membership site that is focused on one specific aspect of a topic, such as email marketing or social media marketing.
You can make the membership site as subject-specific as you want, but you have to make sure you don’t limit the topic too much or you may have trouble trying to keep the membership site updated with new, fresh material for your paying members to use and benefit from. Another type of membership site you can create is one focused around software products that help paying members conduct tasks more easily.
Membership Site Continuity
Another example of a membership site is one where articles and other content are presented in the form of articles and/or blog posts that paying members can use as they see fit, often referred to as private label rights (PLR) content.
The key to any successful membership site is providing continuous value over a long period of time.
You must know your target market’s wants and needs and be able to supply them with tools, resources, and/or content to fill those wants and needs. You must stay updated on your industry’s challenges and problems and be able to find ways to remedy or solve those challenges/problems in order for paying members to remain members of your site.
Step 3: Pricing Points And One-Dollar Trials
You must know the target market you are serving, how much they value the content and resources you are providing to them, and what competitors are charging for similar sites with comparable content and resources before setting a price.
You must consider whether you will only have one level of access for members or more than one.
Pricing for each membership tier will vary:
Lowest levels can be as low as free
The highest levels can be as high as $999.99/month or even more, depending on the value of the content and resources members get to use.
Many membership sites will provide several pricing options for members to choose from for some to all membership levels, including monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually (and even lifetime in some cases).
You must ensure that a monthly subscription costs less than an annual subscription in the short-term, but more over the course of a year so that the annual option is the better value- example is monthly subscription costings $20/mth x 12 = $240/yr vs an annual subscription costing $200/yr.
The key to remember is that you must know your target market’s needs and wants and how willing they are to pay for resources, content, and/or benefits that will help to alleviate the challenges and problems they face in their industry to know what prices are the best ones to charge for your membership site.
As a way to encourage more people to join their membership sites, many Internet marketers will provide a trial offer where people can pay a very small amount (usually $1) to access the membership site for a specified period of time (anywhere from 3 to 7 days).
The person can check out the membership site and see what it has to offer and see how much value and use it will be for the person; if it does, he/she will stay; if it doesn’t, he/she will cancel, not owe anything, but will lose access.
Step 4: Membership Site Platforms and Plugins
Membership platforms such as aMember, Wishlist Member, and DigitalAccessPass can help you to build and maintain your membership site.
The latter two also work with WordPress sites.
WordPress plugins can help you to build and maintain a membership site if you are using a WordPress site for the membership site. Here a few to start with:
WP eMember
Features you should consider and look for in any platform or plugin you choose includes limiting access to members who have not paid for it, “dripping” your content over a period of time for members, enabling you to use coupons so members can get discounts, selling products, pausing and resuming memberships, and new content notifications.
Step 5: How To Simplify The End User Experience
In order for the members of your membership site to get the most value from your site, it has to be easy for them to use.
You want to focus on features that will make the site useful and valuable for your members, but also ensure that it restricts access to areas and content they should not have access to if they haven’t subscribed to the proper level for them.
You also want to ensure that your chosen membership platform or plugin restricts access to members who are not supposed to have access to specific areas and content/resources.
Be sure you test the platform or plug-in thoroughly and familiarize yourself with its features before you promote and sell access to your membership site.