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Mark Definitely. I’m glad you put that in perspective. That was one of the reasons I brought you on because of your traditional beginning in marketing off line. I really think that’s key. You can take virtually anybody and get them started on line, but to just get started on their own, they really are not going to have the instincts per say on which way they need to go or what they need to tweak here and there. You really do need to have a good grasp on the marketing world and how things work to really turn up the level of success you experience.
Terry Exactly. That’s one of the main goals when I started the business professional as well was to give somebody an easy way to cut the learning curve down. For example if you think you want to try googleadwords, first listen to Perry Marshall, which is a thirty to forty minute interview I do with him, you will have a really good basis to start a googleadwords campaign. In there as well, the majority of people I’ve actually interviewed have their own products. Perry Marshall has an e-book called “the definitive guide to googleadwords“. So listen to the interview, get the basics of what he’s talking about, learn it, and when you want to take the step to the next level, get his e-book to get all the information to get going.
The whole basis of the business of the business professional, and I believe the marketing professional, is to help people take the learning curve, that is absolutely huge, and cut it down. Someone with no experience in business or marketing can come in, start with the basics, and work their way up to becoming an expert in whatever field they choose from the range of topics that we have.
Mark Well, I was looking at your website again and I think I may have the numbers right, if I don’t then correct me, but I’ve totaled it up and I think there are over sixteen hundred dollars worth of benefits and bonuses right up front that anybody can see, when they go to thebusinessprofessional.com. So being a business professional member is definitely money well spent, but what is your personal favourite feature from the business professional and why?
Terry I would have to say the interviews. I guess from two perspectives. Number one I’m very proud of the interviews that I’ve done because there is a wealth of information there that somebody can just sink their teeth into. You could spend a couple of days in there and come out with a real good basis to start building a business or start building marketing on a business you already have. So I’m proud of the interviews in that respect. The information that is there, I feel is very high quality information.
The other side of the interviews is they are something I absolutely love doing. If you meet me I’m one of those people that doesn’t shut up. I like talking, I like talking to people. I think one of the most exciting things is talking to people and really getting to know somebody. I don’t think I’ve really ever met anyone who I thought was a useless person, as far as somebody who could possibly be an asset in one or another aspect of my life, whether it’s on a business level or a social level.