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Chapter 6: Be Positive And Enthusiastic
The attitude one adopts when presenting or being an instrumental part of the meeting play a very important role in setting the general mood for the whole exercise. Therefore one should always learn to adopt and sustain a positive attitude through the whole process. This can and most often is the single most important feature of any successful meeting phase as first impressions are hard to change if they are of the negative form.
The following are some suggestions that may prove to be helpful in keeping a focused and positive mindset:
As much as possible one should try to develop the ability to find only the positive elements to talk about in any given situation. This is instrumental in developing the positive and enthusiastic mindset that will go long way in keeping the encounters from taking a turn for the worst. It will also be a welcomed aura when the effort is made to make everyone as comfortable as possible.
Complimenting the other party is always a good way to start the encounter on a positive note. However the compliment should be done in a sincere fashion and not come across as condescending or with a double edged meaning.
Enthusiasm is an infectious element, and this should be exploited as much as possible. An enthusiastic individual is able to affect all those around to also get with the positive vibe and thus create a friendly and more workable atmosphere. Enthusiasm is a characteristic that is always welcomes as it helps to lift everyone’s spirits when the meetings get long and boring or when the content is rather technical and exhausting to the mind.
Reading material on how to portray positive and enthusiastic behavior is also another way to learn how to practice this very beneficial state of mind. Everyone generally wants to be around or associated with positive and enthusiastic individuals.
Chapter 7: Network With People You Don’t Know
This is sometimes very hard for most people to try as they find the whole potential encounter rather daunting and exhausting. However with some well designed tactics anyone can successfully network with total strangers anytime, anywhere with the desired resulting outcome gained.
Get Out There
Perhaps the first obstacle one has to address is the mindset. Being afraid to approach total strangers in person may not be the best or the first choice to make.
Taking the time to build this confidence might be more helpful thus the recommended line of initial communication would be through emails or over the phone.
Generally starting out the conversation by discreetly dropping names would be an added advantage as most individuals respond well to those who are connected or acquainted to both parties.
Understanding that networking does not and should not only be confined to friends and relatives is also important, as it would then force the individual to seek out others or strangers in the quest to promote or introduce the business opportunity.
Acquiring some background information on the potential target is also encouraged. This will impress the individual being approached but only if the information is not too personal or offending.
The information acquired should be used to further encourage the individual into thinking the business or items promoted are definitely advantages to be acquired. Impressing upon the receiving party the importance and missed opportunity if not seized is a good point to make but this should be done without being pushy. Designing the conversation towards making the stranger feel comfortable, impressed and special is important in holding and keeping his or her attention.
Giving the impression of respect for the other person within the networking exercise is also encouraged. People who are sought for their comments and ideas are a great way to encourage a window for introduction of a business venture, as they are no longer on guard or weary of a sales pitch being made.
Chapter 8: Be A Good Conversationalist
The art of being a good conversationalist is not very difficult especially if every opportunity that comes along is utilized and maximized. The more one practices this art the easier and better one becomes at it and soon any fears that were once present will no longer be evident.
Here are some recommendations as to how to go about acquiring this very beneficial tool:
Consciously forcing oneself to have a confident mindset and corresponding body language is something that needs practicing. One way of doing this is to observe or be in the company of confident people. Confident individuals are usually good conversationalist because they seldom are distracted with worrisome thoughts such as how they are perceived or accepted. This mindset comes only with constant practice and abandonment.
Taking the trouble to know something about the person intended to be addressed in the conversation is helpful. Such basic information can help to set the friendly tone of the atmosphere which in turn will better facilitate any eventual introduction of the business side of the conversation.
Asking questions is also another way to initiate conversations. Though one should be careful to keep the questions impersonal and fairly intelligent. This is another way to get the conversation going and also getting the participation of the other parties.
Being a good listener is another quality that should be cultivated because good listeners are often able to contribute to the conversations with quality comments and information that will impress the other participants in the conversation. It will also give the individual a chance to positively contribute to the conversation exercise and in turn impress everyone.
Being careful about when and if one wishes to disagree with the general content of the conversation is also equally important. Being disagreeable may not always be the best choice to make even if it is an accurate stand to take.