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I'm sure this is a big one most of you are wondering about, but the answer is not always that simple. It's really all going to depend on the client, their needs, and how much they can afford. I would suggest going with a flat rate upfront, and then charging ongoing monthly until they are satisfied. $3k-$5k upfront and maintenance of $500/mo are definitely within range (or more especially if the business is REALLY suffering from a bad rep). However, I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction or give you false hope or promises by making you think that you can get thousands of dollars per month, because that may not be the case.
You just need to do your research on the business you're targeting and come up with a figure you feel is fair (based on the amount of work you'll need to put in) to help boost their image. Every business has
its price, you'll just have to figure out what that price is. Just don't assume every client is going to empty their wallet for you. This is why it's important to do your research (Google it!), and then come up with a price you think your time is worth.
When the prospective client asks you how much you charge, then you tell him. If he accepts, great! If he rejects, you can negotiate (if you're willing to take a pay cut), or rebuttal (remind him what people are saying about his business and with your help, you should be able to help boost his revenues which would cover the costs of your services!) or politely decline (your time and results you're going to bring is too valuable for his low ball offer).
Sometimes though (especially if you're just staring out) you need to take something lower just to get your foot in the door, and as long as you're ok with what they're offering you, then go for it!
Remember, that once you're in, be sure to work hard to fulfill your promises and always over deliver! You want to impress the client so he'll trust you and be open to your upseli offers down the line! And he may also refer you to his friends! So that initial "pay cut" may not be so bad after all if you end up getting a few new clients and/or upsells in the near future!