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Chapter 6: Elements Required For Meditation To Happen
So, you want to meditate. Now that you have a bit of background on meditation you think you can sit down and completely get into it, right? It’s not quite that easy. Nevertheless, the process can be broken down to allow anyone to fully learn it.
To perform meditation, there are several key elements that must be taken into consideration prior to getting started. If and when you accomplish these tasks, you’ll be in a better place to actually meditate to the highest possible level of consciousness.
There are four big things to consider. First, you need to have the right attitude. For that, you need what is called a passive attitude. This attitude allows for the right experience because it takes away some of the lesser and often negative aspects that you may have towards meditation.
Attitude isn’t everything, though. The next element that you need is the right location. The best location for meditation is one that is quiet and relaxing to you. Whatever it takes to get into the right setting, make it happen.
Next, you need the right physical posture. Your body must be in the right stage so that you are both comfortable and relaxed to the level that meditation requires. When you enter this stage, meditation is easier to accomplish.