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Over the last several years, the practice of mindful meditation has risen in popularity. It has started to gain mainstream acceptance as a preventative method of healing and one of the most studied alternative ways of therapy.
It has been proven that mindful meditation has a wide range of benefits regarding mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
More and more healthcare professionals are recommending the practice of meditation to deal with depression, stress, and anxiety. Practicing meditation will enable you to get into a state of deep relaxation within minutes.
This makes it possible for the stress-causing hormone levels to drop, resulting in good and happy feelings.
Science has discovered that conditions of depression, stress, and anxiety have a way of altering the structure of the brain. This can result in one's thoughts and mind focusing more on the negative things that have happened in the past or are more likely to occur in the future. Meditation For Complete Beginners By engaging in meditation, you can change your awareness to the extent that you are better able to view things in a more clear and truthful way, focusing on the present. By focusing on the present, you are able to gain more clarity and improved health for your body and mind.
Practicing meditation has the potential of transforming your life, as well as the perception of the world. The techniques that are used not only help you to find relief from stress and depression, but also provide you with the ability to attain clarity of mind with the continued improvement of the benefits as you engage further with meditation.
Whether you’re a beginner with no clear purpose for practicing meditation or you are dealing with a specific condition that can only be relieved through the practice of meditation, you will continue to realize massive benefits as you continue to embrace the practice of meditation as a habit.
Meditation is a practice aimed at training the mind. This is accomplished by introducing a level of consciousness that enables the brain to engage deeply in peaceful thoughts.
The process involves using techniques and practices that enhance concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and calm, with the aim of transforming the mind and enabling you to see the true meaning of things. Meditation For Complete Beginners When you practice meditation, you can learn and identify the habits and patterns of the mind. It can also enable you to cultivate new and positive ways of being. When done on a regular basis, meditation has the potential of transforming your mind into being more energized, peaceful, and calm.
Meditation is a simple process that involves being able to watch the mind rather than trying to control it. It allows you to get into a state where your thoughts start to flow freely without judgment. With regular practice, you slowly begin to become more aware as fewer thoughts pass through your mind.
Meditation can also be defined as a technique that helps in resting the mind with the aim of attaining a state of consciousness that is different from the waking state.
This means getting a deeper insight into who you truly are while experiencing the center of consciousness that is within us. While a variety of different religious identify with the practice of meditation, it is really a science and not a religious practice.
The meditation process follows a given order with defined principles and leads to results that can be verified, which is what makes it a science and not an act of faith.
Chapter 1 – Benefits of Meditation
The practice of meditation originated in India between 5,000 and 3,000 BCE. Archeologists, while at the Indus valley, discovered evidence of meditation.
The images depicted people sitting in what could be recognized as meditation postures. They also discovered descriptions regarding meditation techniques that were found in the Indian scriptures that date back to 3,000 years ago.
Over the centuries the practice was adopted by some of India's neighboring countries where it formed part of the religions. It then spread to other parts of the region and is now practiced throughout the world.
While the practice of meditation varies depending on the cultural and religious influences, it has been identified as a significant cornerstone of spiritual development. The various aspects of meditation, including the mystical elements, has been incorporated by almost all the major religions.
One doesn't have to follow the religious traditions to enjoy the benefits of meditation, making it a universal act that can be practiced by anyone in the world.