Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Private label material is pre-created content that is available for resale, either with “transferable’ rights (where you are allowed to transfer the right to sell the product to your customers) or with personal rights where only you are allowed to sell or distribute it.
What you want to do is purchase high quality reports, articles, ebooks and other material that is of high quality and relevant to your list.
Then, spend some time re-packaging the content so that it’s an improved version of the original, and customized so that it showcases your personal style and brand. For instance, this very report that you are reading right now, was created by a collaboration between Internet Marketers who don't even know each other! Being that it was sold originally as Private Label Content, I was able to take an excellent report, and make it even better by rewriting almost ½ of the copy based on my own experiences!
You should also focus on purchasing private label content developed by writers who are offering only a limited number of licenses, which will dramatically increase the value of the material and minimize the amount of competition who are offering the same content.
Regardless of where you purchase private label material, you should always spend time going over the material, tweaking and improving it and increasing the quality of the information whenever possible.
This doesn’t have to be a time consuming process, and if you have purchased quality content you can easily re-package it just by editing the title, adding in a foreword, revising chapter titles, and adding in an introduction and conclusion page.
Resale Rights products are those that you can obtain, and resell to end users, making 100% of the profits. However, unlike Private Label Content, you cannot change the actual report. Master Resale Rights products are even better (for you) allowing you to sell not only the product, but you can also pass along the Resale Rights to others. This gets a little complicated, but licenses are usually included with all Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights, and Private Label Rights products, you should review them.