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Despite what anyone else might try and tell you, the sales copy that you put on your website is the single most important way to gain sales of your product.
Sure, there is something to be said about the quality of the product you are offering, the graphics and web design that your site features, and the price that you sell your items for – but all of those extra additions to your sales page are only there to complement your web copy.
Because so much is riding on how well crafted your sales copy is, you need to be absolutely sure that you have written it with love and care – because your whole livelihood may be riding on it.
You should treat your sales copy as more of a living organism in a science experiment instead of a static display on your website.
This is not to say that you should jazz it up with some fancy Flash animations or words that are actually animated GIFs, but instead you need to constantly keep updating your web copy so that you can maximize your sales.
There is no better way to make sure that you are getting as many sales as you possibly can than through a trial and error approach to tweaking your sales copy.
While you may be dying to bring in the customers to your fledgling website, you need to wait for awhile until your website is scoured by all of the robots from the major search engines so that you can actually have people coming in to visit your site before you make any changes to your web copy.
When you are satisfied with the daily flow of traffic thorough your website, you should start to tweak your web copy ever so slightly and then test to see what the general reaction is. Do more people visit? Do less people visit? Have my sales increased? Is my ranking in Google and Yahoo! higher than it was before I made the tweaks?