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Step 11 - Don’t try to cheat your way to a higher revenue
Many publishers have tried to increase their revenue from Google AdSense by clicking on ads on their own website or using software which automatically repeats clicks. Such attempts to gain more money from the ads displayed on your web pages is fraudulent and will result in the automatic cancellation of your account.
Google has engineers who can detect this type of fraud. By trying to spam your way to extra money won’t work out. You will get kicked out of the program and you won’t make any money at all.
Prohibited methods of clicking include:
Repeated manual clicks
Use of robots
Automated clicking tools
Deceptive software
Clicking on your own ads
Legitimate clicks are those that are generated as the result of a user to your site clicking on one or more ads on various pages. You do not need to click any ads on your site to see if they work. AdSense specialists review ads to verify that they are working and lead to valid websites.
Tips for Placing Ads on Your Web pages
Google’s ability to target ads to your site depends on the content of your pages and the structure of your site. Google offers some basic guidelines to follow to optimize your site for the most relevant ads:
Ads should be placed on pages that are predominantly made up of text. It is the text of the page that determines the context of the page for relevant ads. Images, icons and pictures do not count as pages that can contain ads.
If a page contains a robots.txt file, it needs to be removed or if this is not possible the following two lines must be added to allow the Google content bot to crawl your site:
User-agent:Mediapartners - Google* Disallow
If any page on your website contains frames, select the ‘Framed page’ checkbox when you are generating the ad layout code for that page.
Ads should not be placed on pages that require a login.
Ads should be placed on pages where the content does not frequently change.
Show ads on the section of the page that is visible to users without having to scroll down. This makes the ad readily available to the visitors and enhances the opportunity for clicks.
Try different formats for each content page of your site. Try using different ad formats to complement the layout of each page. Google offers samples of ad formats for AdSense publishers to choose from.
Customize your colors.
Allow Google to crawl your site in order to target relavant ads to each page.
Place the AdSense code within the frame containing content, if there are any frames on your page. If an ad code is placed in an empty frame or a frame that doesn’t contain any text,
Google will not be able to gather content and target any relevant and money-making ads to the page.
Do not overload your pages with clutter. Statistics show that visitors to a site scan the first page. If it is cluttered or not easy to navigate through they will not go any farther.
Use channels to track performance. Group your pages into channels to see how one domain is performing as opposed to another. This way you can see which layout and color combination is working better than others and it will help you maximize your revenue on all pages.
Checking Your Earnings With AdSense
You can review how much money you are earning from the ads displayed on your pages at any time by logging into your Google AdSense account and clicking the Reports tab. Here you will see the total number of pages, the ad clicks, the click-thru rate and your total earnings. Since the money you earn through AdSense depends entirely on the content of your site, you may or may not have any earnings. If the ads that are displayed are public service announcements, you will not receive any earnings from clicks to these ads. Google does not guarantee you any earnings.
Google will mail you a check for your click-thrus approximately 30 days after the end of each month if your earnings total $100 or more. If your earnings do not total $100 you will not receive payment until they do. If they do not total $100 throughout the year, you will not receive payment until 30 days after the end of each year.
This is a good incentive to optimize your website to maximize the earnings that are possible from using Google AdSense. The more click-thrus you get, the more money you earn. Even if you only get enough to cover the cost of your web hosting fees, it is still money you received without working for it.
Having Accounts With Other Ad Advertisers
The old saying “Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket” applies to ads on your site.
You can participate in other ad programs, but you are not permitted to display Google ads on web pages containing competing ads. This includes all content-targeted ads as well as text based ads. Text based ads are ads that copy Google ads or that may appear to be associated with Google ads on other pages of your site. Affiliate or limited text links are not permitted either. None of the ads from other programs can contain any advertisements in common with another ad unit.
You cannot, however, sign up for more than one Google AdSense account. Using WebSearch and SiteSearch to Maximize Earnings
WebSearch is a service for website owners who wish to provide search options for visitors to their website, directly from any web page. WebSearch result pages use Google’s search to provide relevant results and these search results are customized to fit with the theme of your website. Results pages also contain Google ads targeted to the user’s query and this helps to increase your revenue as well.
If you wish to add WebSearch to your site, fill out the online application. If your application is approved, Google will provide you with the necessary code to insert into your web pages to generate the Web Search box wherever you want it located on your page. The same application approves you for both AdSense and WebSearch and you can decide to use a combination of the two programs.