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All authoring advice really comes down to 3 words: rewrite, rewrite rewrite. Rewriting is what separates good from average writing, and what turns good writing into great writing. Even the merest, the clearest, the most natural seeming prose hides beneath its surface hours of grueling and scrupulous rewrites.
Rewrites aren't simply rearranging words—it's about rethinking your total argument, and making a point that you're really saying what you want to say.
It's a picky process of analyzing your work paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence, even word by word. It begins with reading what you've composed. If you're lucky enough to have someone else offer to read your draft, take them up on the offer—and make certain your reader recognizes that you want serious, honest reaction to your content and how it blossoms forth.
There's no exclusive best way to rewrite. Some individuals like to get a complete draft in place prior to starting a rewrite, and a few like to work with littler units of the content.
Lots of authors like to wrestle the entire content into shape and only then turn to fine-tune editing and brushing up of case-by-case words and sentences.
If that accommodates your style, great. In my instance, I find it hard to filter out big-picture editing from elaborate remolding of individual sentences. The only way I can truly tangle with the guts of my content is to inspect it sentence by sentence, so I find myself doing "big" and "small" editing at the same time.
The balance of this book, particularly the forthcoming sections on style and structure, can help you discover how to revise. The bottom line is simple: If you would like to write, learn to rewrite.
A great author once said that writing makes "an exact man". This is truthful if we realize that author meant not only the first bloom of aspiration, but also the hard, essential labor of rewriting.