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Chapter 12 Affiliate Programs
The secret to making an affiliate program a good passive income generator lies in how you use them. Do you remember in the earlier chapters we talked about how important solid content was? Do you also remember we discussed pre-selling as opposed to selling?
Well that is the number one secret to making affiliate programs profitable for you. You have to be very selective with the programs you use are they will bomb on you. This will end up running potential customers away!
Let us say you are doing a site on widgets. You decide you are going to do it “right” so you have pages on the history of widgets, styles of widgets and detailed pages on the proper use of widgets. Now on those detail pages you talk first about all of the general uses of widgets but then you branch off, onto other pages, where you cover specific uses of the various models of widgets.
Now let’s say that one of the models you give information about will help a car get better gas mileage. As you describe how it works and accomplish this you place a link to a supplier of this particular type of widget – with your personal recommendation.
You have given them a lot of information on the subject and talked about the potential problem. You then give a potential solution to that problem and a recommended supplier. You are NOT selling anything you are just giving people more information! Using that method people WILL click on the link to “check out” your recommendation.
If the affiliate program you just recommended is doing a proper job then they will “sell” a certain percentage of those visitors you send them. Whenever someone buys, you will then earn a “commission”. The more people that buy the more commission you can make.