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People who are experts at persuasion tend to be seen as sleazy. However, every day, someone uses tactics of persuasion at one point or another. Persuasion can be used as a way to get a raise, land a promotion, or gain extra vacation time. It is used in regular conversations, like when you have to persuade your kids to eat their broccoli before they get dessert.
Persuasion, for some, comes naturally, and for others, it is a skill that they need to develop so they can further their career. For example, entrepreneurs who need to engage in persuasion to succeed in their business have to be able to persuade on demand.
The most successful entrepreneurs should be seen as Master Persuaders. The key for any business owner to being able to gain customers and sell products or services is the power of persuasion.
The success of your business is ultimately determined by the number of customers you can persuade to buy from you. By improving your ability to convince people to buy from you, you increase your odds of beating out the competition.
To have a successful business, you need to be able to sell your products, ideas, and yourself. You have to persuade customers to say yes to your products, services, and your price point.
Before you can sell your products, you have to compromise with your potential customers on your offer. If you want to give a compelling proposition, you have to prevent people from being able to tell you no. Knowing the ins and outs of persuasion can help you accomplish this task.
To get people to say yes, you first need to know what makes them say no. Accomplishing this isn't rocket science; however, it is neuroscience. Fortunately, you don't need to break out a textbook to understand and learn the information.
It helps if you think of the human brain as though it is operating as an electrical circuit. For you to get people to buy into your business, you have to spark the brain's circuitry into action. A majority of a buyer’s decision to purchase is initiated by this spark, which in turn, creates a desire for a thing.
To get potential buyers to desire what you’re selling, you have to use the power of persuasion.
Activating the power of persuasion will work in every kind of business, whether online or offline, as well as helping you with your regular daily interactions. Utilizing ethical persuasion techniques allows potential customers to feel happy after buying a product or service rather than experiencing buyer's remorse. When customers experience buyer's remorse, not only do you lose money, but you could also suffer a loss of loyal fans and receive bad reviews.
Start learning everything you need to take your sales to the next level and learn how to get customers to know, like, and trust you.
Chapter 1 – Six Powerful Sales Triggers for Persuading Customers to Buy
When it comes to persuading people to buy what you’re selling, there are six powerful sales triggers that you can use in your efforts. Each of the following powerful sales triggers were developed based on extensive study of psychology and human behavior.
The first powerful sales trigger that you’ll need to gain an understanding of is reciprocity. In business, reciprocity is the idea that if you provide consumers with something that they will feel obligated to give you something in return. This is why you may feel uncomfortable if you owe someone something.
This is also why most businesses will start the sales process off by offering you something to drink. In the right situations, this can be an extremely powerful tool. However, it is essential that you understand that it won't work on those who have an entitlement mentality.
Those who harbor an entitlement mentality naturally expect others to defer to their desires, making any hope of reciprocity a long shot.
Unfortunately, when it comes to your potential customers, you won't be able to tell which ones might have an entitlement mindset. This means that you will need to come up with something that costs you less than its perceived value because you will need to give it out to everyone from the start.
By doing this, you will, at the very least, develop a reputation of generosity in your chosen niche, which can often end up being far more valuable in the long run.
To understand the concept of reciprocity and why it can be so powerful for persuading customers to buy from you, consider the scenario where you and a friend go out to catch up and enjoy a nice dinner. When the bill arrives, you insist on paying, despite your friend’s protests over the cost. Soon after, your friend calls you up and invites you out to a similarly expensive meal, their treat.
If they don’t call and invite you out, odds are they may start to feel psychologically uneasy. This unease would continue to grow until they feel the need to return the favor. Often, this need to return a favor is nearly as strong in people who have just met as it is with those they've known for years, making the idea of reciprocity a potent sales tool.