Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Now that you are all set with your content you may find you get some visitors from search engines but you will want to start actively promoting your blog to entice visitors.
A great place to start is on niche forums. If you use search engines then find the one with the most traffic and start posting there.
You should notice that other posters on the forum will have a tool bar under each of their posts, this is their signature.
Now depending on the forum, you may have to make a certain amount of posts or have been a member for a certain amount of time before you can make a signature.
As soon as you gain access to a signature then you should make one right away pointing to your blog. Try not to sound to "sales pitch-ey" , just something like "If you want to learn more great information about [your niche] visit my blog" will be enough to make people click through.
Now you have a signature, every time you post on the forum you will have a link to your blog. But you must remember that you should never promote your signature, never tell people to look there to get to your blog unless 100% appropriate.
You should just make sure you post great replies and also make posts sharing great content relating to your blog. If you just make sure you keep the quality coming then people will think of you as an authority and click through your link.
Another great thing about blogs is that search engines will generally see them as more important then normal websites because they are more of a social place, this will give you a better chance of getting traffic directly from the search engines.
There are a couple of things you can do to your posts to improve this chance. First you can use a tool like Google Keywords Tool to do some research into a relevant keyword with a low competition rating and a decent amount of monthly searches (about 30,000).
Use this keyword in the title, start and end of your post, and a few times sprinkled through the middle. Doing this will optimized your posts to the search engines likings and improve your position on their search results.
Another very easy way to promote your blog is to submit your posts to article directories. Maybe just change how they are written a little so they make sense as an article and make sure if they are large you break them down into 300-500 word hunks and then just submit them with a back link to your blog at the end. This will direct viewers from the article directories to your blog.