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One of the best an free ways to gain more clients are referrals. But how do you get referrals if you’re just starting out?
You can actually make a JV, partnership with the service related to yours in your local area. What you do is look for any busy businesses with clients that could be interested in what you are offering.
For example, if you are offering SEO services, you can approach local web design business, copywriters, marketing consultants. You can even approach video production companies or transcripts companies! The sky is the limit.
If you think about it, every one of these businesses is related. The clients looking for video production company, clearly want more exposure to their business. Videos can increase conversion, generate traffic and can be used for advertising. In your SEO service you are doing the similar thing, help generate more traffic, create advertising and attract more clients to their business. As you can see now it all matches up.
You want to look for busy businesses that are really active. Also look for businesses with a lot of new clients/month. For example copywriters may have just 2-5 big clients a month, but web design companies much more. The more new clients they have, the more you’ll get yourself.
Now, what you want to do is approach such businesses and offer them a partnership. You can propose 10%, 20%, even 30% fee for each new client referral.
A lot of business owners may not be familiar with these kind of partnerships. But they are extremely effective as you can actually steal paying-customers from other businesses for free. Pretty insane?
The main key is to sell your proposal. Offer high % at the beginning and explain what are the benefits of such partnership for them.
If you want to build instant trust and credibility, jump in front of a camera and record a short YouTube video. Make it personalized. Talk about your partnership proposal, about you, your business and how it can benefit the partner. Mention the name of the partner, their business name. At the end list your phone number and email. Send such video by email and follow up with a phone call. This is one of the best ways to get partners as its hardly targeted and personalized. It’s not another generic email sent to thousands of partners.
It doesn’t take that much work either. You can easily record a short video on your webcam/mobile phone and upload to youtube in minutes. These 5 minutes will almost guarantee a solid partnership that can bring from few to even dozens of clients each month! Choose your partners wisely so you won’t waste your time on some start up businesses or out of business ones.