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Podcasting Lesson 8: Do I Need Expensive Equipment To Podcast?
If you're just starting out in podcasting, you can easily create a podcast in seconds or minutes without even the use of a microphone.
This is taught in my course "Marketing Rampage with Podcasts".
The issue of podcasting equipment comes into play when you go from beginner to 'pro' and feel there is a need to use some podcasting equipment.
Honestly, for podcasting, the equipment, should you wish to buy any, is only a microphone. And even then, you can probably get one for below $50 at most electrical shops.
What about software, you might ask?
Again, software only comes into play when you want to edit your podcast.
And the good news is, I've already included a very powerful Audio Recording Software that can record your voice and at the same time double up as an audio editing software.
Similar software like this easily sell for $197 but you'll get it free with my e-book course "Marketing Rampage with Podcasts". So the answer is "No, you don't need any expensive equipment to podcast".