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Hypnotism is more vulnerable to abuse because it does not take great effort for someone to be able to learn how to do it. Almost anybody can practice it and achieve a minimum of success. And although the effect may be temporary or minimal, still hypnotism has the capacity to alter something in the way the subject may think, behave, or decide in the future.
In this line, caution must especially be taken when dealing with hypnotherapy. First off, even when handled by a professional, hypnosis is not a cure-all by itself. It is effective if it is used in context, done the right way, and in coordination with other corresponding prescriptions. It is not a substitute for medical and psychological treatment.
Thus, only a qualified person should attempt to diagnose a person and analyze what affects him; and then prescribe an appropriate treatment. He will then be able to provide a concise evaluation regarding the case.
Likewise, an unqualified person might read the wrong impression and diagnosis on the ailment. He may come up with a wrong or inaccurate interpretation, thus prescribing the wrong course of treatment.
It is best to seek professional medical advice, rather than hypnosis, when the subject is experiencing pain or illness. Not doing so could lead to life-threatening consequences. Just imagine if you hypnotized the pain away from a person who has a serious disease. If that person you hypnotized did not experience the discomfort brought about by the illness, he would not go to the doctor for a check-up. This could lead to dangerous outcomes and might negatively affect the health and life of that person.