Need QUALITY graphics for your websites and blogs?
"Grab 21 Original Graphics Tools and Templates For One CRAZY Low Price..."
Dear Fellow Marketer,
My name is Max and I've been a graphic designer online for over 7 years. As any quality designer, I've compiled and created my own set of "shortcuts" and "hacks" over the years, to make my design job easier. And in the past few years, I started turning my own personal "shortcuts" into do-it-yourself tools that others can use to do what I do.
To get you introduced to my graphics content, I've put together a brand new (never before released) package of some of my very best tools.
I took the best ideas from my previous products, updated them and improved them, and put them all together into this 21 Module and 250MB "best of the" pack called...
The "Marketing Graphics Toolkit"
This "Marketing Graphics Toolkit" consists of some of my very best tools and templates that are geared specifically towards Internet Marketers. These tools and templates will add some KILLER visual flair to all your websites, blogs and even WSO's.
I've been doing this graphics stuff for over 7 years now, and I charge up to $100 an hour for custom design work, so you won't get any amateur content (you'll see samples for yourself below).
With 21 different Modules, there's something for everyone here. Just one piece of content from this package can save you either a hundred bucks on designer fees, or hours of time trying to do it yourself.