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If you know how StumbleUpon works, it's where users click the "Stumble" button and they are sent from webpage to webpage checking out pages that have been "Stumbled" by other users and are related to their favorite topics.
With StumbleUpon Paid Discovery, your webpage becomes part of that Stumbling process.
Users land on your landing page while Stumbling through websites and you pay per view.
My opinion is it's a bit pricey at this point, but I also think it’s a great way for companies to spread brand awareness and it's also potentially good for viral marketing.
Using PR Web is another way to launch a viral marketing or brand awareness campaign. To tell you the truth, it's also possible to generate a lot of direct traffic as well.
Not to mention you can get some serious offline traffic if your press release gets picked up by a newspaper. PR Web allows you to distribute a press release to the far corners of the internet, depending on the package you choose.
The important thing to remember when writing the press release is making it newsworthy, so you could technically do a press release for virtually anything that's happening with your website, product, or business.
Whenever you launch a new website, for example, you can create a press release and submit it to PR Web. Same goes when you put out a new product.
Although Direct CPV was already briefly mentioned in the CPV section, I never pointed out that you can use their Run of Network (normally refered to as RON) traffic for brand awareness and getting viral marketing campaigns off the ground
Run of Network traffic is untargeted and it runs to all available inventory on the network, so it's an insanely high amount of traffic.
You could blow through thousands of dollars very fast, so be careful with it.
Don't expect to get any good measurable results with Run of Network traffic on Direct CPV.But it is possible to use to get thousands of views on a YouTube video in one day, for instance
Just don't expect to use this type of traffic as you would other types.
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- Tags:2013 Ebooks Private Label Rights