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Once you've picked the market(s) that you want to target, now it's time to get back on the computer and do some actual research work.
The first place I normally head is Google Trends. The first thing I want to find out is how seasonal the market is.
There's nothing wrong with a seasonal market, in fact they can be quite lucrative, but if you're building a new website in January, and the peak season for the market is January to March, you're probably not going to get much traction before the busiest time of the year is over.
If you spend the next six months promoting the heck out of that site and not seeing a lot of traffic, you might decide it's not worth the hassle and give up before the peak season hits again.
So you want to know this stuff up front.
Let's look at an example... The fitness and "lose weight" market tends to get more traffic in December and January, when people are thinking about the new year and making resolutions to lose weight.
So if you're thinking about building a site about elliptical machines, you can search for "elliptical machine" on Google Trends which will give you a chart like this one.
As you can see, the traffic peaks through December and January every year.
In this particular market, you'll see traffic all year long but it will spike considerably over these two months or so. Which means you might make a large percentage of the total annual revenue on the site over the course of a couple of months.
Another market that's a little more extreme in its seasonality is Halloween costumes. You can see in this Google Trends chart that the traffic peaks in September and October, then dies out almost entirely after Halloween, and through most of the year.
Just be aware if you're going to work in a seasonal market, you'll need to plan accordingly so you're not spinning your wheels at the wrong time of the year.