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Stage 3 At this point in time your prospects have heard every enlarged claim under the sun. The issue you have to overcome now is distinguishing your product from every other on the market.
Elow do you go about being portrayed as something unique? You focus on your MECHANISM. This "freshens up" your approach. The emphasis will need to transition from the actual product to HOW it works. Example"
"First Wonder Drug For Weight Loss"
Stage 4 This stage is similar to the second. All you're going to do is build off the mechanism you used in stage three. You'll enlarge it just like you did from stage one to stage two.
"First No-Diet Drug For Weight Loss"
Stage 5 At this stage the market has quite literally "seen everything." It's jaded. People aren't going to believe a word coming out of your mouth.
What do you do? Shift gears. Instead of pitching what a product does, you prey on the fact customers have desires to fill certain "roles." Your marketing should help your prospect identify with the role your product places him in. Prospects actually have two different kids of desires:
To be thinner, wealthier, happier, etc. To identify with a certain role in society
This is where the fifth stage comes into play. You'll see a ton of big brand advertisers using this stage to mass market. Think about luxury cars. Companies aren't pitching that they have a hunk of machinery that will drive them form place to place. They're not in a features and benefit slinging ad war. You're buying an experience, a role, and the marketing is catered to this desire to belong and identify.