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5. Pin-Twist!-Pin it with a twist’!
This is where I show you how we make that astounding number with regards to our traffic audience! Not only will they flock your website but they will make you money in a matter of hours!
Now I wouldn’t ever advise you to misrepresent yourself and open multi accounts on Pinterest and start spamming. We want to keep it safe, enjoyable yet extremely profitable at the same time.
I am sure you know that a website is of utmost importance here. If you don’t have a website please refer to my wordpress website set up guide. !lright let’s go make ourselves some serious cash!
Log into your Pinterest account. Go to your profile page.
From your profile page click on the Pinterest logo and please go to the home page. When you are on the home page, you will see a popular page option. Please click on that.
After you click on the popular page, you will be taken to a pgae which will contain all the most popular pins related to your chosen categories. These pictures are extremely popular & have great exposure.
In the above picture you can see just how popular the pins are. With as much as 2000+ repins and this is very normal.
What we do now is download one of these very popular pics on to our desktop.
I will use the picture of the lady with short blonde hair that you see above. I’ll save it on my desktop and then upload it on to my website and write a few lines around it and link it to a hair product offer!
I then go off to one of the CPA networks I am on and search for a relevant product to promote. This looks like a very relevant offer I can link to the picture above, Alright now we will go to our website and click on the picture we just put on our earlier post.
We will then use the ‘pin it’ button from our bookmarks And pin the picture we just clicked on. What this will do is pin the picture back on pinterest BUT this time, on your board. You can even create a relevant board while pinning if you don’t have one.
Now what will happen is, since this picture is already popular, you will get a lot of exposure to it. Within minutes you will get repins, likes and comments. I pinned this picture around 20 minutes ago and here are the results so far just from one pin!
Unbelievable right? Do 500 of these and see the difference! Don’t forget it will also contain your website address because you pinned it from there!
So the more you do this entire method, around 500 pins per day, you can imagine just how much traffic will flock on your website!
Now go ahead, and do this method and monetize your website with CPA offers, Clickbank, Amazon, AdSense etc..the world is at your fingertips!
6.The Pinteresting Marketing Buddy!(Software)
So now we reach a point where things get really automated and makes our lives easy.
The ‘Pinteresting Marketing Buddy’ is an automated machine that does a great job for you. Not only does it pin everything for your, it even follows people based on keyword. And the best part is that it puts your website on the pinned picture so that when the pins are displayed, other pinterest users can see your website address on that pin.
Okay So Give Me All The Features All In One Go:
Feature no 1: PINS IMAGES: You just have to enter the keywords based on which the software will find you pictures from flickr.
After that you need to enter a pin description. This will describe your pins. For example: This is so pretty or This is what I want! Next, you have to enter a name you want for our board into which the pinning will take place.
You must enter your website address so that every pin that is pinned on your board, will have your website address.
It will also ask you a maximum number of pins you want per keyword and maximum in total. You can enter any reasonable amount since you do not want anything to come across as spam. Now simply, click on ‘RUN’. Let it do the job for you.
Feature no 2: COMMENTER: Here, what this software does for you is creates comments on pins based on your choice of keywords. For example: if you choose the keyword, ‘food’, this software will go and find all the pins which are based on food. It will also ask you for a one liner comment file, which you will create on a notepad. Simply, open up notepad and type, “this is great” as a comment.
It will then ask you how many comments you would like to place. You can add as many as you like within reason. Click RUN and watch how this software auto posts comments based on your choice of pins!
Feature no 3: ‘LIKER’: Here, you have to enter keywords and the maximum amount of likes you will want the software to perform. Watch as your software likes the pins based on your keywords and you become popular this way, catching more attention and eventually more followers.
All you need to do is click RUN and the job’s done.
Feature no 4: RE-PINNER: This feature is fantastic as it gives you more exposure. It enhances the capacity of friend following, which is great because the more followers you have the better. Once again ladies & gentlemen, please click the RUN button on top left hand side.
Feature no 5: FOLLOWER: This feature allows you to follow as many people as you like based on keywords once again. You have the capacity to choose the maximum number of people you would like to choose at one go based on keyword. Please click on run and let it automate the feature for you.
Feature no 6: FOLLOW FACEBOOK FRIENDS: This feature does what it says! Just click on the button and it follows all your facebook friends for you! Hence, giving you furthermore exposure.