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Chapter 7: Practicing Mantra Effectively
Simply put mantra is the practice of chanting or singing out specific phases or words continuously and consistently until a level of ultimate oneness is achieved. This consciousness of being one with the positive energy around is what makes up the essence of mantra.
Doing It The Right Way
When practicing mantra the state of the mind is of foremost importance. Bring the state of mind to a calm and relaxed mode, is the prerequisite to commencing a mantra session.
A relaxed and concentrated state of mind is done by "emptying" the mind of all the cluttering thoughts and distractions for a set period of time.
When the suitable level of clearness is achieved, the mantra is the vocalized, with the speaker paying close attention to the words, sounds, tones, and volume of what is being chanted.
Ideally this state of mind when reached should be so intent that the individual is no longer aware of any other elements of negativity but instead completely in tune with the positive energy.
There is more than one way of practicing mantra. Following the tried and true methods is of course the best way to go. With a little research and reading, the interested party will be able to find many sources of the actual sounds or words that need to be chanted. There are very specific mantras that are used for each and every situation.
If there is an element of doubt or even an element of distrust or fear that is stopping an individual from attempting the mantra style therapy, simply repeating a positive word or sentence in one's own chosen language will also bring about positive results and will encourage the beginner to continue the journey of mantra.
Though mostly practiced in the Buddhist and Hindu societies, the Christian bible has also been known to have quotes that refer to the power in the spoken word.
Chapter 8: Effective Use For Healing
Mantras can be defined as energy-based sounds that are thought to produce thought-energy ripples or energy waves. These sounds are frequently utilized to aid in ancient healing rituals.
Mantras are utilized as tools of power and likewise tools for power. It's thought that everything in the world is made up of energy. This energy may be utilized to direct ancient healing practices for more effective results.
The Power
A lot of folks believe that syllables that make up words are carriers of power and they're often used to channel particular types of energy. Mantras can be chants used to hail the Gods and hasten energy flow.
Any sounds or mantras made by persons produce physical vibrations. Every word produces a different vibration. If the physical vibrations created by speaking a particular word are blended with a mental intention, the vibrations then produce the wanted result of the mantras. Mantras utilize a specific vibrations designed to produce a specific effect.
It's believed that the foundation of the mantras is Divine. As they were discovered during a time of higher consciousness, the mantras will carry any individual who speaks them to original state of consciousness where they were originally found. These particular words are utilized in many ancient healing practices.
The main ancient healing practice that utilizes these words is yoga. They're used in many dissimilar ways to assist in the practice of not only healing physical but mental afflictions that are treated by this ancient healing technique.
There are 11 different ways this ancient healing processes utilizes a mantra, but here are the top 5:
A mantra is frequently repeatedly chanted with feeling in the ancient healing exercise of yoga.
The ancient healing process of Yoga frequently requires that the mantra be chanted aloud but they may be internally said by those who choose not to speak out.
A lot of Yoga instructors suggest allowing the mantra to arise on its own when meditating without placing initial centering on it.
Yoga likewise teaches repeating the mantra really quickly for remembrance but as an advanced ancient healing process it ought to be allowed to come forth at its own rate and not be strained.
Yoga likewise teaches that a mantra repetition may be counted or not counted. By counting it is much simpler to clear the mind of clutter but without counting the mind may frequently wander to a higher ancient healing level and be more effective.
For as long as individuals are able to utilize a mantra for healing methods, so will it keep the ancient practices alive. These tried and true methods shouldn't be lost due to our inability to continue this ancient healing art.
Chapter 9: Investigating Mantras Further
Though the use of mantra is not directly related to any particular religious beliefs, it does sometimes have some degree of religious connotations. It is purportedly a universal mind and body connecting technique which uses the positive energy garnered to directly or indirectly address any issues.
Getting Deeper
This technique basically encourages the individual to go beyond the surface mental activity to experience slowly and progressively the finer stages of the thinking process. Ideally when this level is achieved the individual commonly experiences a deep sense of well being, peacefulness of body and mind.
Another aspect or goal for practicing mantra style therapy is when the spoken word or sound is induced to give very specific instructions or commands, which the mind will process and tune the body to. This form is popularly used when trying to arrest or heal a negative condition the individual's body in experiencing.
By speaking positive ideas into a negative situation the mind gets some relief from the current stress and anxiety and sometimes manages to change the thought process around to face the situation at hand more confidently.
Ideally, when commencing a mantra session, the individual should seek quite and distraction free surroundings. For the beginner to achieve any level of success at all, this is a prerequisite. The quietness of the mind is essential in the exercise of processing the positive words that are being chanted.