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Look at the way these people think. And look at their achievements. There's a direct correlation there. There's a direct link between the way you think and what you actually get.
Without getting into a whole belief system, if you look at your business as a mickey mouse operation, you'll make a mickey mouse income. If you look at it as a multinational corporation, your income will follow.
Doesn't matter if you're working in the corner of your bedroom. It's your mindset that makes the difference.
The other part of the equation is action. Because you can sit stagnant in a corner all day long thinking I'm going to be successful, but without action to back it up, nothing will happen.
Mindset is absolutely critical.
The next step is your focus
This is where you really need to discipline yourself
proactive instead of reactive – we'll cover the difference in a moment
know where your business is going. What do you want out of it short term, what do you want out of it long term. What's your exit strategy.