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After you’ve identified your problem spots and looked at some simple solutions to eliminating the problem areas, you can start to focus on new habits that help you remain time rich.
The first step is taking a good luck and your productivity cycle. We all have better times in the day or night to work. The key is capitalizing on that, working hard in these spots, and using the rest of the time as either your down time, or time for those time gobbling ventures such as playing on Face book, or sorting out your filing system.
Often we don’t take our natural body clock into account when we are planning our day. However if you plan to do all your tasks that require a large amount of concentration just after lunch for example, a time of the day most people are lagging then you are not working to optimize your natural body clock.
Doing the right type of tasks for the correlating energy levels each day saves you time and helps you get over the hump of your work. Most people have a very similar pattern when looking at peak energy times. Take a look at what is provided then think about when your peak times are and note them down. If you are unsure, monitor it a little over the next day or so.
Times of high energy are generally between nine and twelve am, sometimes rising again after nine pm at night. We have medium energy levels around eight am, and between four and six pm. Our lowest energy levels are often before eight am in the morning, between 12 and two pm and between six and eight pm.
If we complete tasks best suited in each area, you’ll not only save more time but feel like you are getting more done with your day.
In your high energy times, you need to focus on tasks that require the largest amount of concentration. These are the more complex parts of your work, such as analyzing, writing, and reporting.