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Chapter 4: Creating Awesome Books That Will Sell
Now you have the niche, the next step is to start creating your book. This is where a lot of people will get put off but even if your English is terrible, I implore you to read on because there are ways around that.
Here’s some bad news if your plan was to flood the Kindle store with low quality books: Kindle books need to be good if they’re going to do well. This is down to the fact that you want to try and get as many positive reviews as possible and as few negative ones. Likewise, it’s also down to the fact that readers can very often choose to read a ‘free sample’ of a book in order to get a taste for it. This means they’ll get to see what the quality of the writing is like, whether the subject matter is any interest to them and whether you appear to know what you’re talking about.
And if your book is low quality? Then they won’t be very likely to order the full thing. Likewise, some textbooks allow students to rent the book for a while on a ‘7-Day free trial’. If you have created an eTextbook for students (an interesting alternative to the career option), then again you need to ensure it’s good if you’re going to hold their attention for long enough.
What Makes a Good Kindle Book?
So with that in mind, what makes a good Kindle book? And what makes a good book generally for that matter?
A good place to start is with the tone and the style of your writing. This needs to be appropriate to the tone of the niche you’re writing for. So if your book is about financial modelling, then it’s likely to be a more formal style of writing than if your book is about drawing cartoons for example.
But in any case, you need to ensure that your content is engaging, that it is fun to read and that people want to keep on reading through it. A good way to achieve this is by using a narrative structure – i.e., make your book a story. Even if it’s a non-fiction topic, that doesn’t mean you can’t open by talking about your experiences and by leading the reader in gently to the subject.