Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Personal mixed content list is a list gathered by you, that you don't use to sell outside ads to on a regular basis. Mailings contain research, new product information for your customers, a few articles that you write, the odd tips here and there, testimonial requests, and of course the ads for your own products. Mailings are very similar to an e-zine, except for the mixed content and the lower sales of ads to third parties. They also require less content on your part.
One of the most highly used list types by specialist marketers, and in my personal opinion, definitely one of the most interesting and robust of the lot. Imagine having a list of your own, which generally comprises of customers that know who you are, trust your word, many of them having bought from you before or subscribed to your list for the simple sake of following the progress and watching what you do as an authoritative figure in your chosen field of expertise. All of these factors come together to make a highly responsive list and one heck of a joint venture bargaining tool.
These types of lists are usually an evolution of some sort, either from previously published e-zines or newsletters, but of course you can go down this route right away if you think it'll be beneficial, and it probably will be. What we've got here is the quality without having to do the work, and in some cases, considering the content you'll be sending your list is solely related to you and the projects you get involved with, it's more personal and has higher response rates than even some of the best e-zines, especially when your subscribers get to know you, or you make your mark as an authority. Bottom line is, you don't have to spend ages publishing a newsletter every week, packing it with masses of useful content to see a profitable list.
See if you play your cards right and gain the trust you need over time, you don't need to seduce people with masses of content, they're just happy to be receiving something for free from a respected marketer. That's great news for you, because the more you mail them, the more you teach them, share with them and have contact with them, the more trust you'll get. Usually this comes in the form of short articles, snippets or insights into what you're doing to succeed.
For example, many of these lists? often owned by the well-known marketers, send small snippets of the letters they receive, their ad tracking results for a particular project, some small tips, and interesting story that applies to the subscribers interests that they learned that day. Contained within is the ad for a related product. Not all the time of course. It totally depends on whether your goal is to sell, educate, recruit affiliates or get them to tell their friends about you and talk (very powerful) etc. The fact is it's interesting. Reality TV even though on a larger scale is a big hit, but this is definitely similar with its entertainment value, but goes even further through education.
Who do you admire? Is there someone you want to be like or at least follow in the footsteps of, someone that is already doing something you want to do, and doing it well? If you had a choice, would you want to get on their e-zine list that sends you a list of outside published articles each week or on their personal list where you get an insight into what they're doing and what makes them successful? I know which I'd choose. So you see, again, the underlying features are the same. It's a list of people you're going to get to buy your stuff, but this time around it's far more focused on you, and the type of people that are subscribing here are the doers. The people that are interested in what you have to say. This is something very powerful that also contributes to the response rate that comes from these lists when selling your products.