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Everyone will tell you… the gold is in the list.
And the reason is simple. Once you have a mailing list, you automatically have your own personal cache of people you can pitch products to.
•Have you created a blockbuster ebook or developed some innovative software program? Blast an email to everyone on your mailing list.
•Have you found a hot membership website that pays a sizable affiliate commission? Blast an email to everyone on your mailing list.
•Have you launched another website and you’re looking for immediate viewer traffic? Blast an email to everyone on your mailing list.
Of course, the bigger and more targeted the list, the better the results. And the result you’re ultimately shooting for is more revenue.
Not that you’re going to use your mailing list as a permanent and exclusive sales machine. That would be deadly.
What you have to do is keep a fair balance between sales pitches and quality information…
If you send out too many blatant “buythis now” messages, you’ll lose the trust and support of your mailing list members.
If you send out too much free information over an extended period of time, you might just alienate your mailing list members when you do finally pitch any type of productto them.
That’s where balance comes into play. You need to supply them with quality information and advice for free. But you also need to incorporate promotion messages that are related to that information.
For example…
Let’s say your business is basedon SEO information and products. In one of your mailings, you’re explaining how to get the most benefit out of Google Adwords.
And in the midst of all that free information and advice, you let them know about this great software program that can increasetheir advertising profit margin… Adword Analyzer ( http://www.adwordanalyzer.com ).
Or maybe the information you’re providing is based on different methods of generating website traffic. That would be the perfect opportunity to mention a product like Traffic Equalizer (
http://www.trafficequalizer.com ).
Overall, it’s much more effective to include your sales pitch either within or associated with any free advice or information. It’s the soft-sell approach that most customers find much less offensive.
But since the whole point of having a private mailing list is to enjoy the benefit of sending messages to an eager and receptive audience (and do it whenever youwant), there will also be numerous occasions when you’re simply promoting something. Without including any free information or advice.
And therein lies the gold.
Once you’ve established a solid and trustworthy relationship with your list members, you can pretty much call any shots you want or need.
As long as you maintain a comfortable balance between sales pitch and extended periods of no promotion whatsoever, you’ll always have the ability to generate almost immediate volumes of revenue.
Of course, the first priority is to start building that mailing list. But not just any mailing list. You want -and need -only those individuals who fall into the following two categories…
1. They have a strong interest in your particular niche or market.
2. They are anxious and willing to receive promotional messages from you.
The first one is a no-brainer. If the people on your list have little or no interest in whatever niche or topic your business is based on, there’s little or no chance you’ll ever get them tobuy anything.
The second category comes down to two different aspects…
First, you want your entire list to be totally and completely opt-in. In other words, every member has joined your list simply and solely because they want to be on it.
Second, you want to make certain each person who signs up for your mailing list knows that they will be receiving promotional messages, and not just free advice and information.
And you want them to know this before they sign up. That alone will minimize the number of disgruntled list members, mainly because they know exactly what to expect right from the start. No surprises down the road.
Anything and everything you can do to prevent someone from accusing you of sending them spam is worth the investment.
If you fully, completely, and honestly inform potential list members of the exact nature of your messages, you’ll satisfy half the requirement of gaining a good quality list. The other half is the opt-in factor.
Rather than assume someone wanted to sign up for yourmailing list, it’s important that you make them confirm their decision. That way, there’s no chance someone else filled in their name and email address, without their knowledge or approval.
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- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2017 Ebooks Private Label Rights