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Introduction to Video Marketing
Video marketing is defined as the use of video contents to educate people, promote an individual, brand, product or services.
Video marketing can be used for creating brand awareness, market presence or simply promoting or selling any product.
Video marketing is mostly done free of cost but one can use (especially corporate’s) paid video advertisements too for increasing exposure.
In this course we are going to be focusing on free methods to create and rank your video contents almost overnight (even if you have never done a single video before) using some top notch secrets which 99% marketers have no clue about.
Ex: One of my own videos promoting “How to make money with Amazon”.
Next example is of video advertisement for promoting GoDaddy, a web site domain provider and hosting company.
Example of a video market presence campaign by VICKS
Advantages of Video Marketing
It’s often said that a picture depicts thousands words. Then imagine what a video can do.
Here are some the underlying benefits of video marketing:
? Video marketing is the fastest medium to build your online authority and presence. Simply put it is the surest way to position you at the top of targeted prospect’s mind.
? Due to this unfair advantage traffic converts 2X-3X more than any other leads out there.
? Video marketing is completely free to use.
? Can give unlimited razor targeted leads if done in the Right way… (But most people do it in the wrong way)
? Videos almost instantly increase your search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo loves video content) rankings therefore is a GOLDMINE for SEO.
? Instant increase of conversions: A recent study has demonstrated that 57% online consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching video demonstration and testimonial of the product.
? Video is easily accessible: With the growing use of tablets and smart phones videos can be watched anytime, anywhere.
? Video is one of the free ways to market your products online. There are endless platforms to market videos (see section below) like Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo and the list goes on.
? Video adds emotional value. 98% buying decisions are always emotional. With videos you can attach face to a concept thus increasing trust and conversions. See example below:
Types of Video Hosting Services
Though youtube is the largest and the most popular video hosting service but there are few other notable service providers having their own advantages. Here’s is the handpicked list:
Name Web site
Blip.tv blip.tv
Daliymotion www.dailymotion.com
Flickr https://www.flickr.com/
Hulu www.hulu.com/
Mefeedia www.mefeedia.com/
Metacafe www.metacafe.com/
MyVideo http://www.myvideo.de/
RuTube rutube.ru/
Viddler www.viddler.com/
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com
Capturing Video and Software
As a newbie marketer capturing and recording video can be a tedious process especially if you have never done the same before. But here’s the deal. Internet has been a great leveller for all. Once you upload your content online, you are one amongst the rest. Be it pro or veteran marketers.
So exactly what tool and software to use?
The best part is you don’t need any expensive tools or camera to shoot. Your laptop camera or any regular webcam can be good enough to start with. So the entire process is absolutely free!
The best recommended software is camtasia. This free software can be used not only to record your videos but also to record power point presentations, screen recording etc.
Step #1: Select what you want to record
Step #2: Start recording
Step #3: Select “Record Camera” in case you want to record yourself
12 Recommended Types of Videos
There are many ways to capture videos as an online marketer. Here is the list of most effective ways to record them:
1) Drive Time Videos
2) Walk Around Videos
3) Talking Head Videos
4) Demonstration Videos
5) In Person Interview Videos
6) Dual Webcam Interview Videos
7) Screen Cast Videos
8) Power Point Presentation Videos
9) Review Videos
10) Live Seminar Footage Videos
11) Seminar Interview Videos
12) White Board Videos
Introduction of The Big Daddy (Youtube)
With more than 6 BILLION hours of videos being watched every month youtube absolutely dominates the video marketer.
Youtube is the single most important and preferred choice of hosting and sharing videos amongst internet marketers. It’s easy, super effective and free.
The effective way of hosting and sharing your videos through youtube is via your own youtube channel. In the chapters ahead we will see the exact steps of opening and operating a youtube channel.