Ebook Sample Content Preview:
In this section, we will think more broadly about what it means to create a “winning phrase.” Instead of restricting the class of these phrases to headlines, we will think about different items we might include in the body of a large piece of copy.
The types of phrases we will consider will range from pieces of copy designed to encourage people to read further to pieces of copy that are designed to encourage people to think harder and to reconsider their goals. Ultimately, all of these pieces can be used to construct a good salesletter and to convert visitors into buyers.
Phrases to Get Your Reader’s Attention
The acronym AIDA is used to used to instruct novice copywriters on how to do things right. The first component of AIDA is “attention.” This means that any good salespage should start by grabbing the attention of readers. Don’t allow them to drift away from your product before they ever get the chance to consider its features and benefits. Instead, grab their attention using some of the winning phrases below.
i. Are you ready to give up on your old ways? Are you ready to try something new? If you’re ready to learn, I’m willing to teach. Find out how you can transform your failing business model into a veritable powerhouse of profit-generation.
ii. It’s time to let go of the past. No matter how hard you failed, why you failed, or why you weren’t able to turn things around, the past is the past. Today, I’m offering you a clean slate. Take it, follow my advice, and start over.
iii. How would you like to become independently wealthy? It isn’t impossible, and, in fact, it is entirely doable if you were willing to listen to what I’m about to tell you.
iv. If you want to lose weight, you’ve come to the right place. People in our program have lost as much as 50 pounds in only 2 months. v. Are you ready to cut your car insurance payments by as much as 50%? Read on to find out how our 10-step system can help you do that, no matter who your insurer is.
vi. Do you want to triple your income in less than one year? It’s possible and I’m going to teach you how. So don’t go anywhere.
vii. Would you like to have high-quality content arrive in your inbox each morning? Would you like to learn new things each day that will provide you with actionable, profitable, easy-to-use ideas? Then keep reading. You’re in for a pleasant surprise.
viii. Attention: I’m not selling anything. I’m only giving away things for free. If you wanted to spend money, go somewhere else. If you want to sign-up to receive completely free information, skip down to the sign-up form below. You’ll be glad you did.
ix. Warning: Reading further might lead you to realize how flawed your current business plan is. If you want to cling to the mistakes you’ve made for years, don’t read further. If you want to change your business and move forward, continue.
x. Breaking News: New marketing strategy revolutionizes how Internet business is done. If you want to get in on this wave of progress and profitability, read further.