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What if you don't have a product or service to offer as an upsell? Then find an appropriate affiliate product that matches your original offer. And here's a secret: When a customer turns down an upsell, they are typically more open to buying a lower cost (downsell) product. It's almost as though the higher ticket item warms them up to the downsell offer. This is why car dealers and real estate brokers like to show cars and properties that are too expensive for the client. Once they show the client something more affordable, the client is more likely to make an offer than if they'd been shown the lower cost model in the first place.
4 Magic Words To Get You More Clients
If you're selling big ticket items or services, I'm about to utter the 4 words 9 out of 10 marketers dread: PICK UP THE PHONE.Nothing sells as well as face to face contact except perhaps the phone. Let's face it –your prospects are inundated with emails and shout-outs on social media. If you really want to connect and make the sale, you need to pick up that 500 pound phone and establish a real one-on-one relationship.
If you're phone-a-phobic, start with existing customers. Find out how they're doing with the product(s) they've purchased and what you can do to help them along 6
(coaching, perhaps?) Next, move on to your lowest hanging fruit –those prospects you deem most likely to bite. Make it a rule to call 5 people each day, and within 3 weeks you'll notice 2 things: First, being on the phone isn't so scary anymore. And second, business is definitely picking up.
5 Magic Words That Virtually Eliminate Any Competition
Whatever your niche, there are others who are doing very nearly the same thing, better known as your direct competition. For example, if you're a weight loss coach, there are thousands of other weight loss coaches you're competing against to gain clients.
That's why you've got to find a way to stand completely apart from the crowd, and the best way to do this is to CREATE A UNIQE POSITIONING POINTfor yourself and your business. Find that one thing that makes you totally different from all the other weight loss coaches out there, that thing that draws customers to you like flies. And mind you, saying that you're better, that your work is higher quality, that you've got more experience, etc., isn't unique. Everybody says those things.
Can't think of anything? Try this: “I will show you how to 7