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Are 100 % 'commission programs worth it? I think so, however before you jump on board with marketing full commission products, you will want to read this first.
Magic Of 100% Commission Money
How to attract a huge list and traffic by giving 100% commissions
Chapter 1:
100% Commission Offers Basics
There are many sites that offer seeming amazing deals but few really deliver on the promises once the fine print is understood. There are many unseen and hidden “cost” which ends up eating into the initial 100% commission offers touted.
The Basics
However there are a few more reputable sites that do offer the 100% commission offers because of the styles and procedures adopted and exercised to ensure the end result of eliminating the need to consider all the minute details that amount to the less than 100% commission promised.
Most affiliated and JV partners have to wait for a certain period of time before any profits are seen or earned. As affiliates generally work better and stay more motivated if their efforts are being immediately rewarded the are some sites like Rapid Action Profit that ensure just that.
This is due to the fact that the system used ensures that there is no cut affiliated checks, mass pays, or ever IRS problems that would eat into the otherwise 100% commission offers.
This however does not mean that these payments are not made somewhere down the line, it just means that because it’s done at the customer purchasing levels the commissions are 100%.
This also allows the individual to concentrate on other matters to bring in the revenue such as product creation, finding good JV partnerships and launches, when compared to other who may have to spend time filling and filing tax forms for each affiliate and keeping track of each affiliates transactions.
Individual who have been able to earn through the 100% commission offers are able to focus on earning avenues such as writing e-books while at the same time implementing systems like the Rapid Action
Profits to ensure the other areas of payments are costed and taken care of accordingly. There is relatively no limit as to the amount of product that can be sold and no limit to the websites it may be installed in.
Chapter 2:
The Benefits Of 100% Commission Offers
The most obvious benefit would be the payments that are automatic and hassle free. They are also fairly immediate when compared to other tools used.
What You Garner
Using the Rapid Action Profits facilitated the easier platform in attracting affiliated and JV partners because of the positive payment of any commissions earned.
This is an enormously beneficial point for those who would like to be able to actually receive their profits as soon as a transaction is completed as compared to some other scenarios where a waiting period of 30 – 60 days is fairly common. The elimination of having to reach certain quotas before payments are calculated is also another benefit of this system.
Another huge benefit is the elimination of having to work out and write cheques for affiliates, do mass pays or even having to deal with tax returns.
This is predominantly because the profits are immediately realized from the customers end. Besides being a time and energy saver this also frees the individual to concentrate on matters relating to bringing in the desired revenue such as building more JV partnerships, creating launches, creating products or services are a few to be mentioned.
The other benefits include being able to multiply the sales force by using affiliates to help sell the individual’s product or services without having to incur additional charges or additional services and tools. Using the one time offers as an incentive for the buyer who are already interested in making purchases. This is always beneficial because these customers will then encourage others to visit the site to enjoy the promotions too.
Instead of having to entertain only those who are seeking free things the individual should consider focusing on the opt-in list with the paying customers as this is where the benefits lie in term of actual realized revenue.