Ebook Sample Content Preview:
When you come to the site, you will see that it’s all about joint ventures. On the left hand side I have a navigation menu. The body of the page has a welcome message and a product review for 2 separate products related to joint ventures one of which is my own. You can add as many products as you would like that fit within your target market. As I find more joint venture products to promote, I will be adding those to this site, and you can do the same with your sites.
Let’s talk about the content I have placed on this site.
Starting with the navigation menu, you will see a home button. Always make your navigation menus consistent through out your site. It will make it easier on your visitor to get around your site. A hard to navigate site will do nothing but make your visitor leave, so this is very important.
Under the home button you will see another link titled, “Free Joint Venture Information”. This is a free report that I have written on joint ventures. Once they submit their information, they are placed in my autoresponder, and then redirected to the main salesletter where I am trying to sell them my joint venture product. Notice that when you click on this link, it opens in a new window. That way they still have my site that they originally came to in front of them. Although I want them to buy my product, I am still promoting two other products on that page.
The next links in the navigation menu are the, “About Us” and “Contact Us” links. These also open in a new window so that the visitor is not taken away from the main site that I want to KEEP them on!
The last link is the, “Joint Venture Articles” link. I searched a couple of article sites and found some great articles on joint ventures. Some of the articles are mine, and some of the articles belong to others. When you start clicking on the articles, notice that they open in a new window. Again, I am trying to keep my visitor on MY site. At the end of every article is a resource box. Although I appreciate the article writers who are allowing me to use their articles, I don’t want to just give them my traffic. So, I make each page open in a new window. That way if my visitor clicks on a link in their resource box, I can still give the article writer my traffic, but my page is still in front of my visitor.
Now let’s talk about the body of the page. Notice that the first thing I do is welcome the visitor to the site, and introduce myself to them. I feel like that gives them a more personal feel right from the start. I explain to them what joint ventures have done for me and what joint ventures could also do for them, and then I give them reviews of three separate products. I ask the visitor to click a link in each product which takes them to that products salesletter if they would like more information about it or to hopefully buy.
Easy right? It sure is. It just takes a little bit of time and research.
Mini Site Extra
What you need to create an “original mini site” type site:
Domain name
Something to promote
Not many people use the “mini site extra” type sites, and I’m not sure why because they work EVERY time I build one.
“Mini site extra” type sites focus on selling one product or service just like any other type of mini site. They have a special twist to them though that makes them stand out. They not only offer one product or service, but offer the visitor special bonuses or incentives for buying the product or service or even signing up for a program or offer from that website. These should be special bonuses or offers not found anywhere else.
“Mini site extra” type sites are more like “mini site lite” type sites than “original mini site” type site. You don’t need a lot of content for “mini site extra” type sites. You still need to do a good job promoting the product, but a lot of content is not needed.
The key to being successful with “mini site extra” type sites is to have the best and most unique bonuses for the visitor to do what you want them to do. Be it buying your product, clicking your affiliate link, signing up for a newsletter or program, etc. If you have the same incentives or bonuses everyone else does then you really aren’t offering your visitor something extra.
This is another type of mini site that does not do well with SEO. You will have to use other marketing methods discussed later in this ebook to get people to your site because “mini site extra” type sites lack content just like “mini site lite” type sites do.