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I have interviewed a lot of successful marketers over the past few years. One of the questions that I always enjoy asking because the answer is usually always the same, is this: What would you do if you had a tragedy in your life, that had caused you to lose your business? If you lost it all, ruined your credit, had no support system, were being sued by creditors for all your unpaid bills, and even had to offload your websites, businesses, and even sell all that you own just to pay rent? Here is how the majority responded to this question.
First, they said that as much as they hated it, they would go back to work. Then they would take a few dollars out of each paycheck and place small ads in weekly rack stand newspapers and in FREE online newspapers until they had enough money to go into an advertising network for lets say $100. This would of course be done on one of their past proven ad campaigns and products or as an affiliate to someone elses web site. They would live ONLY off the money from their job and roll all business profits back into itself until they had enough money to compete in the medium markets like multiple ad network groups, so that they were in 100's of papers.
After that, they would save and roll that money slowly back into all the papers they used to be in and then pay the bills, etc. and are you ready...tell their boss whose been treating them like a moron to take a flying leap! If you are that lucky, as they have exclaimed they would also if given the chance, buy the company they used to work for and fire their old boss, then sell the company. Think that's funny! Well it's not likely to happen entirely that way, but you get my point.
If you come from major success and ever have to start over, people will either think you are a BIG LIAR for telling them of your past experiences, or look at you like you are a NUT! So you know what... go wine and dine their boss, grease him with some big bills just to look on your old bosses face as you and his CEO are out swinging golf clubs together.
If you think that I speak from experience then you are exactly right! I have in the past been through the ringer myself! Guess what, I will never take that again and as an author of this e-book, I won't let you take that either. Send them to me and I'll tell them what they can do with themselves. I can't protect everything that you do, but I don't like dream-stealers and lip smackers that are here for you when it's good and leave when it gets bad. As my client, I owe you that type of protection. OK, enough of that. I just want you to succeed in whatever it is you want to do.