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Have you been looking for a way to generate passive income without having to spend a lot of time building your products or creating a system that funnels in buyers every single day?
If so, then you’ll want to read every word of this special report because I’m about to reveal one of the easiest ways to make money with one of the biggest platforms online: Amazon.
I’m talking about creating low content books that sell like hotcakes!
Low content books include all the following:
Coloring Books
Sketch Books
Composition Books
Prayer Books
And just about anything else that involves very little-to-no content.
In fact, with low content books you can create one interior template and use it again and again (though you should vary the interiors to cater to specific niches.)
Here’s the beauty of publishing low-content books:
Low content publishing doesn’t take a lot of time. Once you’ve created your initial inventory of products, you can easily expand on your offers or outsource everything!
It doesn’t require any previous experience. You can use existing templates that come with commercial-use rights and sell them as your own.
It doesn’t cost a lot of money to get started. In fact, you may already own everything you need and if not, you can sign up for a free Amazon KDP account.
It doesn’t require any writing skills whatsoever. Since these are low content books, they are based on lined journal styles rather than any text or graphics.
You could literally outsource everything and set it on autopilot. How’s that for passive income?
The truth is, with low content publishing, you can get started in less than a couple hours. The learning curve is minimal and once you’ve cut your teeth on the process you can quickly expand your inventory by creating hundreds of additional journals and notebooks.
In fact, you can literally publish low content books in a matter of minutes.
Are you ready to create a profitable business selling low content books that are always in demand?
Let’s begin!
Getting Started
The easiest way to show you what you’ll be creating is to send you over to Amazon so you can see a couple of profitable low content books in action.
Click the “Look Inside” button so you can see what the interior templates look like. Then quickly scan the book description as well.
Here are a few to check out:
Title: My Bible Study Journal
URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1546564276
Estimated Monthly Revenue: $2,489.89
Title: The One-Minute Gratitude Journal
URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1523242701
Estimated Monthly Revenue: $4, 217.36
Title: Meal Planner: Track & Plan Your Meals
URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1974561798
Estimated Monthly Revenue: $2,828.10
Notice how simple those journals are? They feature an attractive cover and a basic interior. Low content books can be as detailed or as simple as you want them to be.
In fact, you could create one lined-journal template and upload it again and again with different covers!
And in my examples above, every single one of these low content books are selling for thousands of dollars a month!
This is exactly what you’re going to be doing:
Create 100-150-page low-content books using pre-made templates. You can find these on shops like https://shop.nicheraiders.com
These packages come with private label rights so you can rebrand as your own and sell at your own price point.
Note: I don’t recommend publishing books that are greater than 150 pages as it makes it hard for your customers to write in once they get to the middle due to the type of binding. Amazon currently doesn’t offer spiral-bound books.
You should aim to publish at least 25-50 low-content books in 30 days. No worries, if this is too much for you to do right away, please feel free to set your own goals.
That’s the key: set a realistic goal and then set aside some time each day to work towards meeting it.
Consistency is key. Even if you only publish 1 low-content book a day, that’s 30 books by the end of your first month!
Create attractive, attention-grabbing covers that target specific niche markets, along with high-quality, professional interiors/templates. Your covers won’t always be pretty or even polished, but they will instantly stand out to a segment of your niche.
Note: Uploading simple lined journals is a great way to start, but if you really want to boost your income you’ll want to invest in professional interiors that provide customizable layouts.
Write keyword-centric blurbs for every book you publish. These will be filled with relevant and targeted keywords that will pull in traffic and help you connect with the right audience of buyers.
Once you’ve seen a few sales, identify your bestsellers and focus on creating more of them. Build a brand around a “series” of themed low content books and maximize your income!
Now, when it comes to making the most money possible on Amazon, you’ll want to focus on just 3 main things:
1: Finding hot niche markets. This is the most important step when it comes to making money with low-content books. You want to cater to die-hard fans in scorching hot markets who will buy anything that features images or phrases about their hobbies and interests.
2: Creating unique and attractive covers. Notice that I didn’t say pretty? That’s because a bunch of pretty covers won’t likely make you a lot of money. Instead, you want to gear your covers towards what people in that niche are instantly attracted to.