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Whether it's attracting new love or old love, the process is actually quite similar. The most important thing you need to remember is the relationship you attract always comes down to the relationship you have with yourself!
If you have a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, where you have respect for yourself, stand up for your beliefs and have strong morals, you will attract exactly that sort of person to you.
It's not really some big mystery and you certainly don't need to spend $1000s on a dating coach to get the guy or girl you want. Besides those pick up artists have different objectives to you. If you want a long-term quality relationship with the man or woman of your dreams, you can! But you must start from within.
Now if you've just been through a break up, you're not likely to be feel you're in the best shape to attract anyone. But that's ONLY if you haven't read this book. Earlier I talked about what makes men and women tick. There are a few things I failed to mention.
Both men and women are attracted first by physical appearance. Someone's first impression of you is very important. Often first impression is largely the determining factor of how that person will think of you from then on.
This doesn't mean you need to get dressed up just to take the dog for a walk, but taking a few minutes to make sure you're clean and well groomed is enough to attract new or old love.
For men, make sure your hair is not a mess, your shirt is clean and tucked and your skin is not dry and damaged.
For women, the same goes, keep your hair washed and clean, a bit of make up and some fitting clothes goes a long way. Don't feel you need to hide your body either, because there's nothing to be ashamed of. There are clothes that fit all body shapes and sizes, some will cut inches off anywhere you want like magic.
The truth is, looking good is just about being able to present yourself properly. If you have a good relationship with yourself, the image your project out into the world should reflect that. Pick the clothes and the style that suits your personality and it shouldn't take you more than 10 – 15 mins to get ready to go out looking amazing.