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It’s an unfortunate fact that the majority of us have a very dim (and unhealthy) view of vegetables, which is a shame because if you are trying to lose weight by shedding fat, the more vegetables you can include in your diet, the more effective you will be.
The fact is that vegetables are very high in nutrients and minerals, whereas they are very light in saturated fats and sugars, exactly the kind of things that you do not want to take in when you’re trying to get rid of an excess of bodily fat.
There is really no limit on the amount of leafy green vegetables that you consume, while ‘ordinary’, day-to-day vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and carrots are all a rich source of essential vitamins and nutrients.
There are many vegetables in the so-called ‘Super Foods’ list that you will find in ‘Appendix A’, so those are the ones to focus on.
Make it a point to eat a large green salad every day, including mustard or collard greens, kale, bok choy, cabbage, radish or spinach.
Also, find space for water filled vegetables such as cucumber and celery, because these have the double benefit of helping to keep you completely hydrated while adding very few additional calories to your diet.
The only thing that you have to place any limits on are starchy vegetables such as potatoes, beets, sweet potatoes and yams. Remember that these vegetables are primarily carbohydrates, so keep them separate from your proteins (meat, chicken etc).
A few portions of starchy vegetables every week should be enough, and when you eat them, try to do so earlier in the day because that gives your digestive system sufficient time to break these vegetables down before you go to bed.
As previously suggested, eating raw foods is a terrific way of boosting your fat loss efforts. If possible, you should aim to eat around about one pound of raw vegetables every day.
At the same time, there are some vegetables that are better cooked, but when you do so, make sure that they are steamed rather than boiled (boiling takes away a significant amount of the goodness), and of course, they should not be fried if at all possible!