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The single most important thing in SEO is using the keywords that will bring the right kinds of visitors to your site. Your content could have the perfect keyword density, and your headings and tags could all include your keywords, but if they're not the right keywords, it's not going to do you any good.
The best keywords are descriptive, but they are also created with your customers in mind. Not just people who might have a passing interest in your website, perhaps for research purposes, but people who are looking for what you have to offer with the intent of purchasing. These keywords are where the money is.
So think for a minute about how someone who is interested in buying your products or services in your area would go about finding you. They would search for the specific product or service they are looking for, and they would also include some information about where they want to purchase. So instead of searching for "mortgages," they would search for "Atlanta mortgages." Or perhaps they would look for a more specific type of product in their area, such as "Atlanta reverse mortgages." The more detail your targeted keywords contain, the better the prospects of paying customers finding you will be.
If you offer a variety of products or services, you would be hard pressed to get one page about all of them to rank well for terms related to any of them. So what do you do? Create a separate page for each one, and optimize it for the detailed keyword that best describes it. So you could have one page for "Atlanta reverse mortgages," one page for "Atlanta second mortgages," one page for "Atlanta home equity line of credit," and so on.