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Chapter 8: How To Make Things Happen
“The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough.
Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.” ~Katharine Hepburn
Making things happen is not as easy as it may seem. Yes, you can always devise a plan, and yes, you can always get in the right positive mindset that will help you throughout your journey in the path that you choose.
However, there are some things that you need to do just so you can be sure that whatever you have conceived in your mind will really push through.
How To
First of all, you have to remember that everyone, and that includes you, deserve unconditionally love, miracles and creation, simply because you are among God’s perfect creations.
To make things happen, finding some quiet time for yourself will also be of great help. Every single day, the lives of the people are cluttered by different sounds that it might be a bit hard to listen to that voice coming from deep within.
Most have already lost connection with their inner soul that they end up clueless of their true desires. Allot a few minutes of your day to some soul searching and expect to get the much needed help for making things happen.
While your past still plays a big role in your present, it does not mean that you have to be imprisoned there for the rest of your life. Let bygones be bygones.
Decide for your now, this moment, and start to create what you really want for your life. There is no need for you to ask for the permission or approval of anyone around you to do it.
As mentioned in the earlier chapters, setting your goals is very important because how can you make things happen when you do not know what these “things” are? Determine the thing s that you want for your life, the things that can bring joy to your being while still ensuring that you serve others along the way.
Take note that to make things happen and for you to fulfill your life’s purpose, you need to focus more on today. As the old saying goes, it is called “present” because the “now” is a gift.
Be patient and learn to love yourself as you take your journey towards discovering your true power. Stay attuned to everything around you and when you do just that, things will start unfolding all by themselves.
Chapter 9: Advantages and Disadvantages
How you see your life is what shapes your life. When you live with purpose, when you take the necessary steps to creating your own path and destiny, you are actually creating exactly the kind of life that you want for yourself. And while it is said that everything in this earth comes with their positives and negatives, living on purpose is more of advantages and benefits. There is nothing bad about it.
Good And Bad
The Beauty of Living on Purpose
When you know your purpose, you actually give your life with meaning. Everyone is created with meaning, and it is the very reason why through the centuries, people have been trying dubious methods just to discover what this meaning is. If you know the meaning of your life, you will be able to bear just about anything. With no meaning, everything will become unbearable.
Knowing what your purpose is will simplify your life. It will define the things that you do and do not do. This very purpose is what will become your standard in evaluating the essential and unessential activities in your life.
If you have no clear or definite purpose, you will lack the foundation where you will base your decisions, use your resources, and allocate your time.
The tendency is for you to make your choices depending on that moment’s pressures, circumstances, and your mood. When you do not know what your purpose is, you will end up doing too much, which will then cause fatigue, stress, and worse, conflict.
Your life will also become more focused when you know your purpose. It will help concentrate your energy and effort on the most important things. This way, you will become more effective as you start being selective.
As you start to learn what your purpose is, you will also become motivated, as purpose produces passion. A clear purpose will energize you and fire you up. Waking up in the morning will no longer be a major chore and going to the office will no longer wear you down and sap you of your strength and rob you of your life’s joys.
Chapter 10: Conclusion
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
No one else steers the wheel of your life. At the end of the day, you are the captain of your own journey. You call the shots. You are the one who makes the decisions, not other people. It is you who decides which road to take, which path you should follow. It is you who picks from the cards that you are dealt with. It is you who creates your life.
To know the purpose of your life is wonderful, for it is true this knowledge that you actually get the inspiration that you need to pursue the kind of life that you want for yourself. You start with figuring out what you want your life to look like. Once you have envisioned that life, you then proceed to making your goals. And it is not enough that you only make goals. You need to stick to them. You need to make sure that you will achieve all of them. How do you do it? Simple, you just need to get in the right mindset. You need to be more positive and nurse only positive emotions and thoughts for any negativity will surely stop you in your track, probably even before you start.