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Chapter 4: How Allowing and Surrender Works
In life, there are various decisions you have to make. Sometimes, you failed to get what you really want because of various circumstances. Say for instance, if your love ones passed away, you have to allow it to happen because it’s God’s choice. Whether you like it or not, you can’t do anything to bring them back. So, what you need to do is to accept the reality and move on with your life.
How Does It Work
Allowing life to happen and accepting the destiny of things are quite too hard to do. To allow things in life, you have to set goals. These goals can change you. Depending on your goals, you can accomplish projects, find yourself, get what you need and want and a lot more. It is true that goals give purposes and directions in life.
If things don’t go as you have planned, you need to accept it and continue what you are doing. In setting goals, you always need to be patient and trust in God’s timing. There are some goals that take a few years before you achieve it. Whether you let go, surrender or give up, make sure that you keep the objective on your lists.
What will happen if you surrender? If you give up or surrender, you will learn various things. Life will never be the end of the world if you decided to surrender. Once you surrender, you have a chance to do things that are perfect for you. You can also get out from a miserable life you are experiencing right now.
Say for instance, if you surrender chasing your ideal man, you have a chance to meet and entertain other people. Instead of loving someone who loves another, try to find someone who can love you in return. With your experiences, you will truly value your relationship and learn how to handle your future partner.