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Chapter 8: It Is Not Just about the Present
Optimal living is not just for today. Make sure that you live in happiness for as long as you are here.
It Is Not Just about the Present
A very lethal mistake that we make in the way of our achieving happiness is that we think only about the present. We think that we have something today that makes us happy and that's just about it. We don't consciously strive to build securities for tomorrow. This is where we fail.
If we live in the knowledge that our future is not protected, we will certainly not be able to make the most of today. We will forever be living in the shadow of an uncertain tomorrow and that could hamper our present like nothing else can.
An optimal life is a life that is secured for the future.
You must have a good insurance plan that will protect your future. You might find various options around you, but you need to take some time out from your busy present life and find a plan that bests suits your purposes. Once you have such a plan, make sure you keep it up. Though you cannot see the fruits of this plan currently, tomorrow it will come in handy. You cannot say when an emergency might strike.
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow. But if we think that we have done our best to secure our future, our lives will be happier today as well.
It is not just about monetary security, though. We also have to invest in relationships. Giving love to everyone around us is actually a way of securing our future. When we spread this love, we are also building their trust and companionship forever. Tomorrow, when we could be lonely, these people could be of great value to us. They could make our lives better than they would normally be.
The same applies for friendships. It is quite unwise to treat everyone around in a surly manner. We must not paint ourselves in a corner while everyone else is outside. The thing we must actually do is to reach out to as many people as we can. Everyone can be a potential friend for life.
What we spoke about financial security applies to relationships as well. When you live in the knowledge that you have done your best for your family and friends, you can sleep better at night because you know they will stand for you too. You may not have helped them out selfishly, but this is an aftereffect that you cannot shake yourself from.
Chapter 9: Is Your Life Optimal Today?
What about right now? Do you think you are living an optimal life?
Is Your Life Optimal Today?
Do you go to bed each night scared about waking up tomorrow? Or do you go to bed, completely relaxed and with a smile on your face, eager to wake up in the morning and face the new day?
This is the biggest indicator of how optimal your life is. Those few minutes between hitting the bed and falling asleep are when we assess our lives. These are the times when we think how far we have come and where we are headed. If these few minutes can put us into careless slumber, our lives are quite well-placed. But if they only make you toss and turn and reach out for the jug of water a zillion times, then there's something you need to take stock of.
An optimal life is not about how much money you have. It is about how content you are. You might have less, but if it is enough to meet your needs, then you are doing well. It is only dissatisfaction that makes you depressed; whether you are earning more or less doesn't matter.
So ask yourself these questions:-"Am I contented with my life today?"
"Am I happy with the way my family treats me?"
"Do I think I have some good friends?"
"Am I insecure about money and the future?"
"Am I happy with my job?"
"Am I satisfied with my sex life?"
If your answer to these questions has been affirmative, your life is very close to being optimal. There might be some areas that you still need to work on. If such areas exist, it is a good idea to start working on them right away so that you take your life in a better direction than it is now.
Most importantly, remember that it is not your life that should control you; it is you who should control your life. When you do that, you will see that you are happier with the way your life has headed.
Chapter 10: Putting Your Self in Your Life
You are most important to you. It is your life that we are speaking about.
Putting Your Self in Your Life
There will be times in your life when you will begin to give more importance to other people and forget about yourself. This will happen when you first fall in love, have a first child, etc. These people become the center of your attraction. You forget that you are an individual too.
Most problems in life stem from this.
Instead, if you place yourself in the equation too, life becomes much better. When doing something for your loved one, do spare a moment and think how happy that makes you. When you get a gift for him or her, wait awhile and think of the smile on your face too. When you get a great school for your child, think about your own pride too. When you think about yourself, you give emphasis upon yourself as well. You are not just thinking about people around you, but you are thinking about yourself as well.
Why is this important? The most important benefit of thinking about yourself is that you would want to repeat that action. When you remember how happy it made you when you give a present to your spouse, you will want to give it again. When you remember how happy it made you to take your child to the amusement park, you will do that again quite soon.