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Tip Number 69: Google Buzz is a simplified social networking framework owned by Google
The idea is to get people to talk about stuff that interests them. Connect with people who share interests, and get in the conversation. Be interesting, not obnoxious. At opportune times, share your links, and get those opt-ins.
Tip Number 70: Google AdSense is an advertising service from Google
It works because it delivers the right ads based on the type of webpage being viewed. That means that your ads only appear on pages that are related to your topic, so you get a better click-through and conversion rate.
Tip Number 71: Buy someone else’s website
Yeah, it sounds like a corporate takeover, and it might as well be. This works because you can then change your newly-acquired website to suit your needs. Whether you build it up as a separate product or use it to link back to your own website is up to you.
The idea is that you are trying to get the traffic that the purchased site was getting. At the very least, you can include the list of contacts in the declaration of sale, so you can build your list directly.
Tip Number 72: Buy expired domain traffic
Similar to buying someone else’s website, but also distinct. Expired domains are basically webpage addresses that were used but now are no longer in use. Think of what happens to a brand when the company drops it or falls altogether. People will remember the brand, and might look for it even after the company is gone.
In the context of the Web, when a site goes permanently offline, the domain no longer directs users to the website. As such, they are lost, and that traffic is wasted. Now if you could redirect that traffic to your website, then that works for you!
Tip Number 73: Join a webring
In the earlier days of the Internet, webrings were more popular. Today, they are less popular but not by any means extinct. The idea is that you will join or form a group of websites with a common navigation menu.
When users click buttons on this menu, they are taken from one site to the next, or previous, such that they move in a circuit around the ting of websites. As a failsafe, there is usually a central node that can redirect visitors should a member of the webring go offline.
Joining a webring can work to your favor. Say a visitor is looking for something. While your webring allies may offer the same thing as you do, the visitor may not like the presentation that they have, and will eventually land on your page - you see where this is going.
Tip Number 74: Do your own street-level advertising.
Add a sticker to your car that points to your website. Yeah, it might not work very well, but remember that if you never try, you’ll never win! You will want to make it easy to read but still interesting in itself. Of course, you’ll only get Internet traffic from members of the communities you drive through, but it all starts there.
Tip Number 75: Forwarded e-mails, modified.
The idea here is to piggyback your URL into the older form of viral media -forwarded e-mails. Supposedly-cursed chain mail aside, these forwarded e-mails are usually sent to friends and acquaintances because there is some value to them.
You can stick your name and URL inside the original footer and send it to your friends and acquaintances, who will then send it to their friends and acquaintances, ad infinitum. The content of the mail itself may be related to your niche, or it may be the usual inane yet interesting stuff that people like passing around. There will always be that chance that someone will see your link, click it, and get to your website, where the rest of the conversion to opt-in process takes place.
Tip Number 76: Business-inclined social networks.
Social networks like Plaxo and Linkedln have the usual bells and whistles of personal social networks, but the underlying concept is slightly different. Whereas simple social networks involve making friends and keeping them updated with your doings, these business-inclined social networks are meant to help you build and keep a list of business contacts.
What’s great about these business social networks is that people are more inclined to talk about work, money, and the like rather than their babies, weekend getaways, or the latest concert. It’s social networking filtered by the concept and behavior of the members, optimizing it for business usage. Needless to say, the people you meet here will automatically be useful in your list of contacts.
Tip Number 77: BitTorrent distribution.
Whereas lots of marketers send their wares via direct download links, you can make good use of peer-to-peer distribution systems like BitTorrent.
The best strengths of BitTorrent are that it is free, and that downloaded copies will always be available, as long as the downloaders stay connected to the network. No worrying about what will happen if your file host service goes down!