This advance training course was designed so you could watch over my shoulder, step-by-step, click by click, to ensure that you are able to successfully and effectively maintain your email list improving the quality of your email campaigns and reducing your costs!
We all have heard that the money is in the list and yes it is, but what happens after you've built the list? What happens after you have a list of subscribers and you're constantly emailing them? Is that it? No, there's actually more than that.
One thing that most people forget is list maintenance, and this is a crucial step and process to maintain the responsiveness of your deliver-ability rates, open rates, click-through rates, preventing being blacklisted by spam lists, and much more!
And many of these things can make you lose a lot of money without you even knowing it!
You see... a lot of third-party services will charge you by the size of your list. So you can imagine that there are tons and tons of people who may have a list of, for example, 5000 subscribers, and in reality they are only getting about 100 clicks.
So you want to be able to figure out who on your list is active and who is not. So let's say for example that you are paying $45 a month for a list of 5000 to maintain, and in this case only 1000 people are really active. You see my point here? You are paying and wasting money for the extra 4000 that are not active.
The goal here in the end is not about having a big list, but instead it's all about having a list that is active and who wants to hear from you.
You need to focus and care about the people who trust you, not the people that don't, right? That’s common sense, but unfortunately this is something we often overlook.
I hear this time and time again even in other areas besides email marketing, when somebody says something like, "Oh, I have 100,000 Twitter followers," but in reality none of those followers are actually communicating withthat specific person. You see my point here? In the end it's not about the quantity, but quality instead.
Now moving on... there are many other areas of maintenance besides the thingsthat I have mentioned above that is undermining your efforts right now.
So would you like to know how to maintain your email list, increase your deliver-ability rates, protect your list assets from being deleted, andmuch more?
Did you know that most people don’t take action until it is too late – meaning your list has been deleted by the 3rd party auto-responder service due to spam complaints even if you are following the rules?